Illness and healing - Addendum 2

The influence of these disembodies entities is the cause of many unexplained and mysterious events in your life and it bears the blame for much of the misery here on Earth. Purity in regards to moral conduct and principles or a high degree of common sense certainly does not guarantee protection again possession! Only the general acknowledgment of the importance of these questions, indoctrinations as well as elucidations on the subject, provide a means of protection against this. There are various physical conditions that promote the intrusion of spirits into human beings. These impairments are often based on the natural idiosyncrasy of someone’s psychic receptiveness, an exhausted nervous system or a sudden mental shock. Purely physical disorders also promote possessions; because when the natural life force is weakened, the organism offers less resistance and encroaching spirits gain easier access, even though neither the present spirit nor the departed spirit are often aware of each other’s presence! This impairment caused by spirits changes the character of the afflicted person and an apparent change of personality develops, whereby a number of alien personalities are imitated, respectively impersonated in quick succession. Such influence by spirits often causes extreme madness of various degrees, from the simplest of mental confusion to all forms of madness, running amok, hysteria, vertigo, depression, shell shock, kleptomania, senility, religious and suicidal mania as well as memory loss, mentally conditioned physical frailness, alcoholism right up to an uncontrollable addiction to immorality and cruelty, bestiality and other forms of serious criminality. Mankind is surrounded by the mental influences of millions of disembodied spirits who have not yet grasped the higher meaning of life. If one acknowledges this as fact, the logical explanation of a plethora of phenomena arise from this, like unwanted thoughts, unfounded emotions, strange premonitions, moods, petulance, extreme irritability, unreasonable emotional outbreaks, uncontrollable manic constraint and numerous derailments in one’s emotional and mental life. We have countless reports of cases of spirit influences and possessions from antiquity to the present day. Dr. Tyler , the well-known English anthropologist, wrote in his book ‘Primitive Culture’ (Culture of Origin): ‘One does not assert too much when one says that the belief in demonic possession, as a virtually constant theory to explain virtually similar facts, has been kept alive by at least half the population. All advocates of this belief therefore stand on the shoulders of their ancestors since ‘time immemorial!’ We find the following comment in Müller’s ‘Original Religion’ (Urreligionen): ‘The general opinion amongst native tribes is still the same these days, namely that such illnesses like epilepsy, hysteria, stupidity and insanity are cause by spirits that seize possession of the body.’ Homer repeatedly refers to demonic influence when he says: ‘An ill person, simply wasting away, is somebody who looked at an evil spirit.’ Plato asserts that demons make people possessed . Socrates virtually mentions demons that influence the insane .