Illness and healing - Addendum 1

And in contrast to this is muscular rheumatism . This malevolent illness can affect all stages of life, it can already make an appearance in infants. Dampness and coldness promote it. It is conditional to carelessness and threadbare clothing and susceptibility. It is purely a muscular disease. Muscles consist of muscular fibres. These are tied together to form a muscle. When this muscle is subjected to coldness it will become taut and this can result in a torn muscle, a very small tear to begin with, but it will continue to progress like cancer. If one does not seek the correct medical help or if common sense does not make one dress warmly, the pain will get worse over time. Rheumatism these days is mainly the result of what happened during the war. Remember the winters of 1946 to 1947, the lack of nutrition and the lack of coke in your cellars. Leader : Dear ARGUN, would you please recommend an expedient treatment to us? ARGUN : Regular massage of the body parts that are used the most protects against rheumatism, as well as heat packs or hot water bottles, the rubbing in of oils or creams and do not forget woollen undergarments, they are most important. Question : Can rheumatism be karmic? ARGUN : No. Guest : Inherited? ARGUN : No. One can be susceptible to it, but not inherit it in spite of this. • Rheumatism is the result of a disturbance in the equilibrium between acids and bases, particularly brought on by a one-sided diet. It has the same basic symptoms as rickets. Question : I am of the opinion that one should be able to overcome illnesses through mental efforts. ARGUN : It depends on the illness. If we are dealing with organic illnesses like the measles, scarlet fever or anaemia, illnesses that make people apathetic, a positive attitude plays a very important role and miracles can happen, because will and faith are the only determining factors that decide whether the patient will recuperate or not. – But even the most powerful will unfortunately has no effect with diseases that affect the bones. Particularly with diseases of the spine, these are hopeless cases. The pain can be alleviated to some degree, but even convincing, devout prayers can unfortunately not get rid of this pain. Question : Are important elements like fluoride, calcium or silicon lacking? ARGUN : Yes they are, - but once they are destroyed they can no longer be replaced. Question : Can people call upon GOD when they’re ill or in distress?