A positive philosophy

1 PSYCHO-SCIENTIFIC FRONTIERS Selected publications from a variety of subjects of psycho-scientific research. Editor: Rolf Linnemann (Certificated Engineer) * Steinweg 3b * 32108 Bad Salzuflen * Tel. (05222) 6558 Internet : http://www.psychowissenschaften.de E-Mail : RoLi@psygrenz.de Translator’s email: evak30@optusnet.com.au Protocol extracts from the Menetekel brochures of 1956 - 1975 Theme : A positive philosophy Part 1-15 from the years 1962 – 1965 The following text was psychically received by Medialen Friedenskreis Berlin, a Christian/Spiritual community, psychically between the years of 1956 to 1975. These transmissions are a part of the Menetekel, a collection of 4,500 A4 pages of freshly catalogued protocols, amassed over 20 years. All of these mediumistic messages were left in their original form, even if similar questions were repeated. The work of the two writing mediums, Monika-Manuela Speer and Uwe Speer began when they were 15 and respectively 17 years old. The total production of the MFK-Berlin (Medialer Friedenskreis Berlin), the Menetekel and the 21 transmissions from the space-brothers are considered the absolute pinnacle of psycho-scientific research. Other spiritual circles have often tried to copy the work of the MFK, but its quality was never achieved. The reproduction and distribution of these rearranged messages and protocols is explicitly encouraged and is not covered by any copyright. Preface GOD cannot be explained by any Church religion and no philosophy is able to do this either. It however absolutely suffices to see GOD as SENTIENT NATURE. People’s thoughts also happen invisibly as it were and they only reveal themselves through people’s actions and the spoken word . Man was created in “GOD’S image”. As GOD as a spirit cannot personally express himself verbally in order to disseminate the truth, HE utilises telepathy and, with the help of his HIERARCHY, the relatively few good human instruments (mediums) here on Earth. Max Planck said that: “There is no life, no truth, not intelligence and no substance in physical matter as such. The spirit is immortal TRUTH. Physical matter is a mortal aberration . SPIRIT is reality and eternal. Matter is unreal and temporal. Spirit is GOD and man is his image and his simile. Man is therefore not physical, but spiritual.” Maximilian Bircher-Benners writes in his book ‘Vom werden des neuen Arztes” (Turning into a new physician): “We walk through life with our gaze directed outwards . The miracles of the soul of our existence however live inside of us, but we continue to be blind in regards to them.” Bad Salzuflen, September 2010