Tips in regards to meditation

The form of meditation described here is for the people in the West, for those that want to follow in the footprints of the Christian MASTER JESUS. This path is based on the devotion to goodness and it serves to better ourself and those around us and therefore also the Earth. Those that want to learn to meditate do not have to absorb all of Buddhism or Hinduism within. Meditation is designed to teach us how to be a human being once again. In order to get there, we must struggle against some resistance to begin with, namely against our earthbound mind. Everyone that sits down to meditate experiences this resistance. Our mind is simultaneously also our resistance. – It is akin to flying a kite: One must run until the kite climbs into the sky – that’s the technique – all one has to do after is to hold on to it. This means that we first have to enter into the state of meditation. There are a few aids available for this. The meditation will then continue by itself and all we have to do after is to maintain the state of mind. It is a curious fact that success eventuates most of the time when one no longer strives for results. • To contemplate meditation as an outsider doesn’t make sense, one can only gain experiences through actually practising it. • Everything that hinders meditation is a hindrance to us being a human being. Meditation is about the discovery of oneself, of finding one’s main focus and one’s inner centre. It is about the purification of one’s heart. A part of the characteristics of meditation is designed to create unity between the manifold contrasts that often disrupt us. There are two levels of realisation: • The intellectual realisation, namely logic. • The intuitive realisation, namely the serendipity that is developed though meditation. An illness for instance, anything that forces us to stop for a while, is virtually a self-help and it happens on a subconscious level. An illness also gives us a chance to meditate. Everything our consciousness brings to the surface when we are forced to lie in bed, is already a form of meditation. One can go far back into history, one finds that philosophers, wise men and saints, prophets and teachers have always offered a key that can open the DOORS of HEAVEN. • This key can be found in the spiritual HEART of the ethereal body, in the middle of the chest, in every human being. The name of the key is LOVE. When it is used it discloses to us that hidden TREASURES and TRUTHS lie within us and that they will give us the answers we are looking for. There are only few that will pause their chase of life in order to listen to the small, still VOICE that resounds from the innermost part of the spiritual HEART. Some call it the “VOICE of STILLNESS”, others the “VOICE of CONSCIENCE”. It is in reality the awakening of the spirit, the expansion of consciousness of one’s true existence. WHITE EAGLE calls it “CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS” in all his indoctrinations. • It is this CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS or this INNER LIGHT that is awakened, strengthened and developed during meditation.