Tips in regards to meditation

The fulcrum and linchpin of the highest truth is the question, who are we? When people get to the bottom of their personal ego by practising serious and intensive meditation over and over again, maybe across a number of years, it might disappear one day. It might quietly dissolve. What remains is the TRUTH. We therefore have to choice between TRUTH and illusion, between GOD and our person. Bad Salzuflen, June 2001 1. 0 What is meditation? Meditation is not a secret science. The word “meditation” or “contemplation” stems from Latin and means reflection, pensive observation, religious immersion. Meditation is on par with reflection or pensive observation. When one looks at a clear night-sky in awe and adoration, one is meditating. When one listens with closed eyes to the breaking waves of the sea, one is also meditating. • Meditation is prayer – prayer is meditation. The growing interest in meditation and the request for help for a spiritually ordered life becomes more intensive during times of upheavals, specifically when the norms that one has been guided by no longer apply. An enhanced wish for meditation is particularly prevalent these days, because positive models no longer exist. Our deep-seated uneasiness might be based on this, namely that we lack a valid image of man, ergo an archetype we can live our life by. New forms of ecclesiastical arrangements can also not veil the fact that our daily life no longer comply with it. It is therefore imperative that we accept spiritual HELP wherever it is offered, so that our inner riches become accessible to us once again, so that we get to our own spiritual treasures that do indeed belong to us, but that are no longer available to us, because we lost the key to this treasure chest. “Modern life” has been arranged in such a way that it prevents meditation, namely by hindering us from dealing with our own self. • Meditation represents an incomparable help in regards the configuration of our life! Meditation leads to better communication with oneself and with others. Meditation is at the same time a considerable help with coping with everyday life. People who meditate will relearn calmness, confidence and composure amidst the hectic hustle and bustle, they will also gain staying power in stressful situations and they will discover power reserves within themselves that they had not been aware of up to now. • What has been verified is that the ability to concentrate increases, that the will in regards to attitude gets stronger and that its efficiency is enhanced, actually that a maturity process is set in motion that helps the whole personality to grow. There are various forms of meditation, there is Buddhistic meditation, Zen meditation, Christian meditation etc. so that the layman finds it difficult to select the suitable one amongst them. The people in the East pursue different forms of meditation, but the basic thought of all forms of meditation is the same.