Tips in regards to meditation

The constant repetition of the above described process helps enormously in regards to the success of your contact with GOD’S HELPERS. This is why the end of the meditation should also be adhered to strictly and conscientiously. Mighty FORCES and influences might have been triggered inside your soul during the meditation. • Absolutely imperative: The SEVEN ENERGY CENTRES (Chakras) must first and foremost be tightly closed and sealed against all possibilities of penetration of undesirable influences and ENTITIES from the lower ASTRAL WORLD of the realm of spirit. It is akin to when you lock your home. You do not simply leave all the windows and doors open when you retire of an evening. It is not different with the ASTRAL WORLD. One must also act carefully and wise here and one must not allow oneself to be caught unawares. We actually want you to learn to raise our head up into HEAVEN whilst keeping our feet solidly on the ground at the same time and still be able to watch out where the path is leading you. This is why we must detach ourselves from the WORLD of HEAVEN through an act of will after every meditation in order to return to our daily life in the physical world. • Remain within your inner VIBRATIONS until the last sounds of the music have died away. The time has come to return to your day consciousness and to once again deal with the responsibilities of your terrestrial world. • Thank your CREATOR for the PROTECTION that you received! • After this phase of quietly expressing your gratitude, we begin to close every single CHAKRA. We do this through an act of will whereby we mentally pull in our aura. This is akin to pulling in antennas or feelers. We mentally make the sign of the Cross-within-a-Circle over each of the seven CENTRES; over the CROWN-CENTRE, over the BROW-CENTRE, over the THROATCENTRE, over the HEART-CENTRE, over the SPLEEN-CENTRE, over the SOLAR-PLEXUSCENTRE and over the KUNDALINI-CENTRE. This is how the windows of the soul are locked and sealed through the divine will and through the POWER of the WHITE LIGHT of CHRIST. • At the end, every participant mentally draws an oval of bright LIGHT around the aura of their body. One can begin with one’s left foot by directing a LINE of LIGHT through the left half of the body to the top, quietly breathing in until the LIGHT has arrived above the head. One can then direct the LINE of LIGHT down the right half of the body by quietly exhaling until it has been drawn under the feet. This is how a closed OVLA of LIGHT develops and seals the aura. One should do this seven times in a row. • The meditation comes to an end when you open your eyes, stretch yourself and mentally return to the coarseness of the here and now. The Greek philosophers said: “Know thyself and you will know God and the universe”. The Christian meditation is a healthy, well-considered and safe method through which people can open up their own inner POWERS – but only when they are wise and when they remain true to their HIGHER SELF whilst they pursue their own path.