Terror attack on the USA (2)

2 This is EUPHENIUS speaking. We also welcome you very cordially and we are pleased about the fact that tonight’s meeting was arranged. Times on Earth are currently marked by fears and inner, mental turmoil. We know that a lot of positive thoughts from your side find their way via the spiritual realm to bring LIGHT to the dark areas so that the souls there can proceed towards the LIGHT and thereby also advance towards their destiny. We thank all of you who are willing to employ time and thoughts for this offer of help in order to confront the negative WORLD. We depend on your cooperation so we can dissolve these inner constrains together , this will allow the LIGHT to flow into the dark SPHERES once again. - We will now begin with the automatic writing. I will report back to you later on. The automatic writing part of the meeting began under the guidance of the SPIRIT TEACHER LUKAS. LUKAS :GREETINGS IN THE NAME OF GOD! This is LUKAS writing. We are happy to welcome you here. Yes, there is still a lot to say about this, because it was a combination of human and spiritual cooperatives that brought about this disaster. This is also a part of this Earth’s vicissitude. And as the negative, GOD’S antagonist, feels his powers waning; he strikes out blindly and uses every opportunity on offer. You here, within this working circle, should not feel all too secure either! All it takes is a little impulse and discord on your part and our opportunity to transmit the TRUTH without discolouration is curtailed . We don’t expect anything like that, but we had to warn you! Always take great care and exercise control over yourself instead of controlling others, this alone will keep you busy enough as it is. There would be fewer problems here on Earth if everybody would act like that and this particularly applies to spiritualistic circles we depend upon so much. Except for individual mediums, we would not be in a position to make our presence known without these spiritualistic work circles and most individual mediums do not enjoy the necessary PROTECTION you enjoy to such a high degree here. - Please ask your questions now. Question :What kind of assistance do the souls, which have been so suddenly wrenched out of their physical bodies during the attack, receive from your side? LUKAS :Well, every human being has their own GUARDIAN ANGEL to begin with and this Angel will appear to them once they enter the spiritual realm. But the question is, what will the person in question do with it, if he suddenly arrives here where we are and if he has never heard anything about GUARDIAN ANGELS? Everything would be so simple if he would give credence to this GUARDIAN ANGEL and if this soul would realise that basically speaking, nothing untoward actually happened to him -, apart from the loss a the physical body. Even his closest relatives are around him, even if they are of a different FREQUENCY.