Reincarnation and Karma - Addendum

2 often recalled to the spiritual realm at an early stage to then undertake a new incarnation in a healthy body. Question : To the question in regards to soldiers killed in action you said: “These souls are ripped out of the physical body under great stress and therefore are in need of a longer period of healing in the spiritual realm in order to find their own self. These souls need specialised help. They decide when the next incarnation is due.” - What does a) “under great stress” and b) “a longer period of healing” mean? EUPHENIUS: Such a sudden death, whereby the soul is literally yanked out of its body without any preparation can lead to a mental crisis. The date of death in a situation of war is not foreseeable most of the time. The soul’s preparations might have included a completely different outcome. Due to the forceful removal of the soul from its physical body, the soul is in a state of shock and must therefore be exposed to special HEALING and RADIATION in the spiritual realm to begin with.  These souls find themselves in an acute condition and this can also be caused by traffic accidents and similar traumatic situations. They then need a special combination of LIGHT RADIATION in order to regain the equilibrium of their own LIGHT FREQUENCY. Question : Another question in connection with this: “What actually happened to the souls who had to leave the Earth prematurely at the end of WWII due to the nuclear explosions over Japan?” EUPHENIUS: What adds to the problem here is the fact that a nuclear explosion releases specific RADIATION and NEGATIVE LIGHT FREQUENCIES, which exposed the souls present there to a process of separation, with the result of completely tearing the souls asunder. These souls need an even greater period of time in order to regain their own LIGHT - and LEVEL of FREQUENCY. Cases like that need an extraordinary long HEALING process, something that is immediately forthcoming, as soon as the separation between the physical body and the soul takes place. These souls in Japan were completely disorientated and needed special PROTECTIVE MEASURES so that they wouldn’t roam around on Earth as lost souls. Something like that is certainly possible. Question : To the question of whether a soul is already with the mother during pregnancy or only from the birth on, Lukas said amongst other things: “The connection to the mother is established at the moment conception takes place. The soul and its developing, physical garment are connected with one another. The soul helps with establishing the DNA of its body. This wouldn’t be possible if this connection was not in place or if the soul entered the body at the moment of birth.” We were under the impression that the soul entered the physical body only at the moment of birth ? EUPHENIUS: The soul enters the body leading up to its birth . That is correct. It represents an INTEGRATION of ethereal WRAPPING, necessary to enable the soul to enter the