Genetic research

58 reached us from your side in spite of that and that we were able to give you a little more insight into such a large field of knowledge. It is difficult to bring the spiritual world and the world of the CREATOR onto a common denominator when looking at the activities that take place here on Earth. Remember, it is an interrelationship and it brings with it a new weaving frame. One stitch follows another and it can only have a positive outcome if the spiritual SIDE is included. The dark POWERS also try to have an influence in this regards, because this research gives you new and important knowledge about the structure of cells.  Genetic research represents an important element for the further existence of your species during the next century. It is important to undertake this step. But the question whether this is going to be in a positive or negative manner remains open. I bring this theme to a conclusion and thank you for your interest. We thank you for your questions and especially for dealing with this theme, it will capture your attention in the near future and it will continue to help you connect with your inner self . Remember, it is an influence that will affect all of you here around this table also, because it will deeply affect every one on this planet. We hope that all researchers accept this chance with a positively attuned mind, so that they can recognise that a lot of changes can be effected. But even EMINENT ENTITIES are not always successful when it comes to influencing someone! We hope that mankind realises that certain developments can only be undertaken in connection with divine LAWS and in harmony with natural laws. This is what our side hopes for. We close this meeting with the words: May your development proceed in a direction that will show you just what you can accomplish with your thoughts and your HEART’S positive VIBRATIONS, in order to save this world from ruin and to guide it towards a new level of development instead. We salute you with divine HUMILITY. EUPHENIUS and the TEAM. Acknowledgements and good-byes. A short meditation followed in order to close the chakras.