Christmas 1999

14 (Discussion taking place) Participant: This EQUALISATION of VIBRATIONS as you call it went missing in the Medialen Forschungskreis, Schwalenberg. This circle deprived itself of its stable FOUNDATION through its own impotence. The AROS-Circle also had difficulties with individual members. ARON : Dieter’s soul served the purpose of continuously scamming divine LAWS, namely the acceptance of this soul with its human weaknesses and to apply the learned LAWS into day-to-day life. Participant: This is exactly the point I am making, to apply this. I don’t believe that I’m ready to do so, maybe only every now and then. ARON : Rolf, this is why we are sitting here trying to explain the workable elements of DIVINITY to you. Constant repetition and our ever present VIBRATIONS encourages your soul to give your mind IMPULSES. This can only be introduced through the soul. Objection : If we didn’t have a mind and only worked on a soul level, we wouldn’t have this problem. The mind is and remains our greatest hindrance. ARON : The mind provides you with the opportunity to mentally ripen. We would like to bring this to a close. We thank you for this closing exchange. A lot of question within this complex theme still remain open and we would dearly like to give further tips so that you can continue to make progress and not end up feeling that you failed. Acknowledgements and goodbyes by the group. A short closing meditation followed to close the chakras. GOD’S SON is the CHRIST LIGHT within you. Please allow your LIGHT to shine brightly. It represents mankind’s salvation.