Christmas 1999
13 The next meeting will give answers about speaking, about the written word and particularly about your mental preparedness to serve GOD. This will be the next important theme we’ll be dealing with. Question : Does the work we do within this circle make us unintentional servants of GOD? ARON : Not unintentional , because your soul wants to and because your soul has actually reincarnated here on Earth with this assignment in mind. As terrestrial human beings you are unable to assess your spiritual development, ergo assess how far advanced your spiritual development has progressed. Only we can do so. Question : Was it predetermined that we would do this kind of work? ARON : You planned to meet here in order to perform this work in GOD’S NAME. Question : This therefore didn’t just happen after we were born, but was pre-programmed before? ARON : We are not dealing with coincidences, but with assignations you have imposed upon yourselves. Question : Why this chaos within the Medialen Forschungskreis Schwalenberg (Psychic Research Circle Schwalenberg) after we participated there for many years and why the same effect on the former AROS-Circle? Why did everything fall on a heap? ARON : This is why it is important that we once again analyse the meaning of our work within this circle . These other circles fell by the wayside because human weaknesses gained the upper hand. Objection : But this is always a danger. ARON : You only have a chance to make progress if you learn to learn from mistakes. Participant: If I take a look at the history of the Medialen Friedenskreises, Berlin, at the enormous difficulties and negative processes it had to deal with to begin with, I ask myself why did everything go so smoothly with the old circle. Looking back I realise that this circle went through similar experiences as the Berlin circle, however in a completely different way and this produced extreme mental stress. ARON : Due to your human weaknesses you are subjected to terrestrial tests. • You can only pass these tests if you apply the divine LAWS and the things we teach you! Question : Do all attempts to contact the positive spiritual world always begin with negative experiences? ARON : One can’t answer this with a simple “yes”. Every circle has a different starting position, because every circle is made up of different souls. An EQUALISATION of VIBRATIONS between the souls must… (TB: Have to do this) first be activated.