SANTINER-Contact 2001 – Part 2

15 Question :A woman calling herself Omnec Onec claims to come from Venus. Can you confirm this? TAI SHIIN :We negate this. This is not correct. Higher ENTITIES have a different ASSIGNMENT, namely to present themselves in a divine SENSE here on Earth. Their behaviourism demonstrates the divinity demanded in order to allow LIGHT and the SUN to have an impact here on Earth. Through this distinguishing feature, namely the adherence to the divine LAWS, the level of maturity and the quality of a soul becomes visible. We once again negate this. Question :What kind of soul are we dealing with here then? TAI SHIIN :This is a soul entity that tries to draw people‘s attention to us, to extraterrestrials. But she is doing it the wrong way. It would be better if she would entertain contact with us. Participant :During one of Omnec Onec‘s presentations I had the opportunity to study her. This woman gave me the impression of being unapproachable, a little cold and arrogant. She mentioned the CREATOR only once during her presentation and this in a subordinate clause, she never mentioned HIS HIERARCHY once. She certainly didn‘t possess the emanation some SANTINER contactees described. TAI SHIIN :What becomes already apparent here - and you answered your own question here - is that a divine ENTITY is identified by the LOVE and the WARM HEART VIBRATIONS it emanates. How could such a soul be a SERVANT of GOD? No soul coming from the ethereal regions of Venus would present itself like that. It would draw attention to the fact that it is a SERVANT of GOD through its behaviourism and not through the words used during her presentation. Participant :We thank you very cordially for the transmission we received this evening. It would please us greatly to welcome you again very soon. And as you come to us from space, we would like to ask you a few questions in regards to space. GREETINGS IN THE NAME OF GOD AND PEACE ACROSS ALL FRONTIERS! TAI SHIIN :We are prepared to answer these questions. We will report back to you soon and we will do so by consulting with your TEAM of SPIRIT TEACHERS who are present here to accompany you. We know that you work theme by theme in order to strengthen your net.  Remember, not everybody can grasp the statements we make. It takes other avenues to make these souls more receptive. We are pleased and grateful that so many different avenues are available. You received a different type of access to DIVINITY than others. Everyone‘s path is different - but basically the same. Remember this!