SANTINER-Contact 2001 – Part 1

3 tribesman from the bush in a car and allowed him to drive this machine without explanations. Question :An astronaut reported how he perceived the Earth from space with the following words: “Along the bent horizon runs an enrapturing and beautiful royal blue layer, the atmosphere. It looks fragile and delicate and the thought arises whether we shouldn’t treat creation more carefully. Living on Earth, the planet seems to have a dimension that overtaxes the senses.” - How could such a feeling be conveyed to all of mankind so they will treat their environment more carefully? TAI SHIIN : It runs through the heart, through LOVE and through everything GOD endows you with. You would then no longer destroy the Earth, those next to you and everything around you, but you would respect and love it. Your ABILITY to LOVE makes you boundless and you can step over horizons. You can float like an astronaut and you can recognise with how much LOVE and care the LORD created this planet. Question :To the question of whether extraterrestrials could actually reach the Earth, a prominent German astronaut gave the following answer: “If one allows facts to speak for themselves, it is relatively likely that there is life out there. There are around 100 to 200 billion suns alone in our Milky Way and there are billions of galaxies like the Milky Way. We now know that there are planets within these solar systems. We should therefore not have the arrogance to believe that we are the only ones. But I don’t believe for a moment that extraterrestrials will ever come to Earth. The distances involved are just too great.” What do you say to this argumentation? TAI SHIIN : I am the best example that this is possible . It simply is bigotry to believe that you on Earth here are the centre of the universe. Many planets exist and they are populated by souls that occupy a different position within the divine PLAN. There have been enough encounters and contacts with extraterrestrials - as you call it - in the past to make you realise that you are not alone in GOD’S almightiness. Question :As there have been no visible radical changes at the turn of the century, all sceptics have the upper hand, because they always knew that the world would not look different in the year 2000 and that all this prophesying was utter nonsense. Many hysterics have actually done our cause more harm than good. But whilst many documented UFO sightings took place during a solar eclipse in Mexico in 1991, the SANTINER did not utilise the beginning of the new century to make their presence on Earth more obvious and to offer the world a spectacle like the one in Mexico. Why not? TAI SHIIN :We would like to say to this that at this moment in time, our assignment is a different one. Our task is to support and encourage you in your new (spiritualised) form. We are presently engaged in cleansing your planet to provide conditions here on Earth for your continual survival. We are currently not prepared to reveal our existence along those lines. Our presence can be seen in perceptible changes in nature and this will hopefully give you something to contemplate.