SANTINER-Contact 2000

7 TAI SHIIN :This is why it is important that this information is spread over a wider range and that this information is presented to the rest of the world. You are a channel. You are a drop of water in an ocean where one drop of water can draw enormous circles. Question :Many people on Earth show an almost neurotic fear of an invasion by extraterrestrials. Is this fear triggered by a gnawingly feeling that there just might be other intelligent life within an unlimited universe? TAI SHIIN :This fear surmounts any feeling of security. This fear finds sustenance by being portrayed as negative by the media, political information, false statements and through dogmatic dissemination. Where are we respected as BROTHERS and SISTERS? - We are portrayed as terrifying figures and we star in horror movies. How can souls gain a picture of GOD and of GOD’S creatures if the prime mover called fear receives such a lot of sustenance? - It is the DARK SIDE that sows its seeds here and controls the situation. Fear and insecurity opens the DOOR that cast a dark shadow of the soul of man. You have to recognise that we have not come here to proselytise you and to say: It’s like this and like this! - It would certainly be the easiest solution from your point of view if we would show ourselves, if we would flood this planet with UFOS and land here and there. But what would we achieve by doing so? - We would block your development and we would arrest its progress. This is not within the CREATOR’S PLAN. We would interrupt your evolution and that may not be! Question :Couldn’t the exact opposite happen, namely that through your indoctrination, through your technology and all the other positive things you have on offer, an evolutionary leap in the right direction could eventuate allowing mankind to vault over centuries of their inherent development? TAI SHIIN :Your spirit and your soul could not cope with this. You would lose your balance. You wouldn’t comprehend it. This irritation would confuse your spirit with the result that insanity would gain the upper hand. Comment :Yes, this seems plausible. An aboriginal from a remote area of the Amazon, never having had contact with western civilisation, would probably fall prey to insanity if abandoned in a city like New York. TAI SHIIN :He would lose his ideals, become ill and despair, because his customary surroundings has gone missing. You must also give yourselves a chance of catching up with your maturity and your development. We possess this patience and we support you any way we can. Question :With a typical xenophobic and egomaniacal reaction, governments arm themselves against something they’re well aware of that it true . This is naturally not common knowledge, because in the name of national security everything to do with extraterrestrials is kept from the public eye. What will bring about a change here?