Secondary Literature (A documentation of basic scientific research)

completely unknown land. Most have neglected to inform themselves about this land that lies beyond their life on Earth. They are strangers in an enormous realm that cannot become their home, because they showed no interest in it and did not prepare themselves for it in any way. They are homesick for the Earth, because they adore physical matter, but it will then be unreachable to them. The shift of scientific research from the exclusively technical-scientific to the paranormal would change the world in a positive way. The sciences do however require the “courage to fear” if present mankind wants to have the hope for a better future. Bad Salzuflen. November 1992 Professor Dr. Bruno Vollmert Ordinarius for chemical technology of macro-molecular substances and director of the Polymer- Institute at the University of Karlsruhe; numerous patents; internationally known through his textbook “Grundriss der Makromolekularen Chemie”. His book “Das Molekül and das Leben – Vom makromolekularen Ursprung des Lebens and der Arten: Was Darwin nicht wissen konnte and Darwinisten nicht wissen wollen», Rowohlt Verlag, ISBN 3 498 07055 x, deals with the question: Could life have developed of its own accord? The first prerequisite for all life on Earth is the macromolecule DNA that carries the genetic information. Darwin’s theory of evolution and the prevailing Neo-Darwin doctrine is nowadays subjected to the criteria of exact sciences, particularly to macro-elementary chemistry. Therefore, when it comes to the question of the original creation of macro-molecular DNA, from whence – according to the prevailing doctrine – all forms of life emerged from, macro-molecular chemistry is relevant and Professor Bruno Vollmert is one of the best known scientists in this field. Vollmert acts within the strict guidelines of his competence as a poly-chemist when he begins with the “primordial soups” DNA synthesis of the Earth’s history, as is common place within the polymer-synthesis, and when he asks about the probability of additional steps. The result of this examination, whereby only definitively secured experiences were experimentally evaluated, represents a confutation of the Neo-Darwin hypothesis: “Neither the first primitive cells in the primordial soups nor the types of species of creatures that appeared during the course of Earth’s history with the gradually lengthening DNA molecules, could have developed of their own accord.” Dealing with evolution on a molecular level within the macro-molecule synthesis refutes not only the mutation-section-mechanism of the creation of new species, but reveals beyond this: A purely scientific explanation of life, no matter how it is formulated, cannot be given, because every self- organising hypothesis of the development of the genetic information and its carrier, the DNA macro- molecule, depends on the statistic co-poly-condensation. As the author verifies, this could however not lead to the development of a series of genes along the lines of a DNA-chain of living creatures; ergo the genesis of life and the species is not a problem that can be solved within the framework of exact sciences – it’s not the only one, but it is one that we are constantly confronted with wherever we look more closely.