The reliability of psychic transmissions and the testing of the spirits

- 25 - that this might be the reason he wasn’t registered in the registry reserved for priests. I then asked him for the name of his past superintendent in Lüneburg and the names of his colleagues. The superintendent’s name given was Franz Riefen, but the reality is that the superintendent’s was however Lorentz Lorentzen (1852 – 1877) and Karl Beyer (1878 – 1897). The spirit being was thereupon dismissed in disgrace and we never ever heard from him again. 5. The dangers in attempting to record voices on tape. Extremely bad experiences with otherworldly spirit beings, whom she blindly believed, were made by a Mrs. Hildegard Gesbert (2). She attempted to make contact with her deceased father, whom she had never personally got to know because of his early death, by experimenting with recording his voice. She had no idea about the dangers these attempts exposed her to and the warnings of acquaintances were simply ignored. Her initial attempts were immediately successful because she recorded intelligible voices on her tapes that she ascribed to be that of her father. She was soon able to hear these voices directly inside her head without the help of a tape-recorder. It began by being woken up one night by a soft voice that told her (2, P. 26): “This is God speaking to you personally. I am well pleased with you. You are one of the chosen ones.” Having received such a message, Mrs. Gesbert was over the moon, but the otherworldly soon changed their messages and they turned malicious. Mrs. Gesbert did not manage to get rid of the spirits she had called and she suffered hellish mental and physical anguish. Her last resort was a stay at a mental clinic. She was mainly tortured through terrible announcements and degrading assignments. She reports amongst other things (2, P. 72): “I was told on a number of mornings that Michael ( her son ) would have a serious accident after school. One day I was ordered to quickly write a good-bye note to my family and then immediately go to my ‘prayer room’ where I had to kneel down and keep my head down. The very moment Michael was going to be run- over by a car I was to suffer a stroke, this voice told me that we would see one another in heaven immediately after. After having knelt for some time I was told that it had been postponed. It didn’t eventuate because Michael had left school too early. The things I had to endure in those days are indescribable. I lived in constant panic, fearing the worst and worrying about Michael and I was always overjoyed when he stood in front of the door after school and I was able to take him into my arms unhurt. (2, P. 116) One night I received the task of awakening my husband to ask him to immediately call for an ambulance, because they were going to tear my tongue out. If I wasn’t immediately brought to the hospital I would choke on my own blood. I was told to say good-bye to my husband and Michael and to tell them that they would never see me alive again. The fear that I suffered is indescribable! I was allowed to choose between being massacred in my own bedroom or in the bedroom of my husband who shared his room with Michael. As I wanted to spare them this experience I decided to choose the first option. After I had gone to my room where this massacre was supposed to take place, I was overcome with a terrible feeling of dread and I had an urgent need to visit my husband and son in their room. When I stood in front of the door ready to enter, an inner voice threatened me in a gruff voice: ‘Don’t you dare take one more step.’ I moved millimetre by millimetre forward in spite of this, as close to the door as I possibly could and I hoped with all my heart that my husband or Michael would come out and see to me. As I was not allowed to knock or to call out, I stood in front of the door for a long time hoping that one of them might sense that I was there. They were however deeply asleep and they didn’t stir. I eventually returned to my own room utterly disappointed. This is where I received the order to feel my way