Otherworldly experiences by the departed

9 • Some might now ask why the more advanced spirits do not take these earthbound souls directly into custody and guide them onto the right path without taking them to a medium first? Quite simple actually, namely because a lot of these ignorant souls are completely unreachable for the more advanced spirits before they have had a last, intimate and fully conscious contact with the terrestrial- material corporal world. Only once they have been confronted with the raw fact that some major change must have taken place within them will they gain an insight into their situation and will allow themselves to be guided onto the path of upward development! When such an ignorant spirit gets the opportunity to make itself known in our circle we find that this process serves various purposes. • Such a spirit is usually made to recognise its situation and every new case serves to enhance the instructing researcher’s experience. • Whole hordes of other spirits, those that live in the darkness caused by the lack of insights, are simultaneously assembled around us so that they also learn from the behaviourism and the instruction given to their fellow sufferers. Thus far the extracts from Dr. Wickland’s expositions. 7. Co-operation between a circle of helpers from the here and now and the hereafter From my own experience and through the participation in psychic experiments for 20 years I can report the following: In a circle of 8 to 10 people who met and meet on a regular basis every 7 days, later every 14 days, there are always two psychically gifted participants present. There are sometimes three. One medium, Mrs. A. born in 1948, is a teacher and housewife . The other medium, Mr. B. born in 1938, is an engineer . Their psychic ability is expressed through fluent psychic speaking in a state of semi- trance . The consciousness of the medium is thereby repressed , but they are able to grasp the essence of what they are saying. Once they enter this state of semi-trance they are no longer able to deliberately control what they are saying. They can also no longer oust these spirit beings by themselves after they have taken possession of their body. It sometimes happened at the beginning of our experiments that uninvited spirit beings took hold of them against their wishes. It was then often difficult to induce them to exit the medium. We did however always succeed by placing a crucifix or our hands on the head of the medium or through intensive praying to God and this without the medium suffering any negative consequences. The tone and the way the mediums express themselves in this state of semi-trance is largely the way they normally talk. These spirit beings only have the terrestrial vocabulary and the cache of words of the mediums at their disposal . The medium Mrs. A. expressed this as follows on the 25 th of Sept. 1986: “When dealing with themes that are alien or abstract to me and that I am not familiar with, I always feel that a spirit entity cannot utilise my vocabulary and has to search through it to see what it can utilise from it. It must then construct something from it. Whole associations of words are often utilised and not always sentences put together word for word. Difficulties arise when dealing with things that are utterly alien to me. I often noticed this, because I do not have words for whatever it is. This then makes me quite unhappy. I actually sense that the spoken word does not get to the core of it . I have often felt that there is more to it. I sense that there is more, but I cannot express it. This naturally brings the danger of a completely unintentional bogus transmission, particularly with proper names and dates . But if the theme