Otherworldly experiences by the departed

60 18. The helper Magdalena in the world of the hereafter On the 8 th of June 1986 a spirit entity announced herself for the third time and informed us that she had adopted the name of Magdalena in the world of the hereafter, because she didn’t like her original name of Maria Johanna. She claimed to have been a farmer’s wife in Southern Germany , next to sick livestock, she had also treated sick children. She had however not been able to heal polio and she never treated adults at all. She claims to have died at the start of the 20 th century aged around 80 years old . – Besides, our controlling spirit Stanislaus also reported that Magdalena had slept for a long time in the world of the hereafter after her death, because her terrestrial life had been very arduous. Two female and three male spirit entities had endeavoured to separate her from her earthly existence and to teach her. They had hoped to gain her as a co-worker. – Magdalena then reported that she had received an education after an initial period of transition and recuperation that would enable her to retrieve the deceased from the baser, darker regions. As she only just started this activity, her successes were rather meagre. This would often depress her and she then had to recuperate from her disappointments. Meeting on the 11 th of September 1986 Magdalena reported through the mouth of the medium Mrs. A. on that evening in the presence of seven further individuals: Magdalena: I am pleased that I’m allowed to be here again. I even believe that I am not really out of place here, that I might even fit in with your circle. I have to tell you that I had a wonderful time of late and this filled me full of active energy. I believe that nothing can fluster me now for a while anyway. I already told you that I was really depressed once again, because I remained so unsuccessful and saw no prospects in helping anyone. This is probably always the case when we feel that we don’t make any progress. • But when our energies are depleted we have the ability to replenish them. The same is happening to me now. You must also take rest breaks now and then and it is up to you how you organise them and how wonderful you make them for yourselves. You can do things that refresh you but also, as many people do, use your time of recuperation to wear yourselves out and use even more energy than whilst at work. I have to be honest and say that things are a little easier here, because we were brought to a wonderful and beautiful region. This is why the prerequisites are extremely good. But we must also contribute our part and utilise what’s around us. I could for instance make some worthwhile friends and hold some good conversations with them. They told me a lot of things. I believe that to hear about their experiences and the things that happened to them was of uppermost importance to me. All the others that dwelled there where there for the same reason, namely to recuperate, to enjoy one another’s company and to talk to one another. This was so beautiful and peaceful that I can hardly describe it in words. This naturally also included the beautiful surrounds filled with lots of flowers and their very special scent that we could smell. Schiebeler : Were there also animals there, for instance birds?