Otherworldly experiences by the departed

15 If it was a romanticised invention, the whole circle and above everything else myself, would have to be involved. But what for? A lot of work over many years was involved and this without any financial gain. Who undertakes something like this? – One also does not gain fame through this, on the contrary, one gets into trouble with the community at large and one can’t even find a publisher that will print such things. The mediums and the other members of the circle would encounter great difficulties at work if what they do in their spare time became known. And what about the fantasy springing from the subconscious of the mediums? I cannot exclude the fact that their subconscious gets involved at times and I certainly can in no way guarantee dates and family names. The medium Mrs. A expressed something similar on the 25 th of September 1986. This is due to being in a semi-trance state whereby the medium’s own vocabulary is utilised. Things were different with Mrs. Wickland as she was a full-trance medium . More accurate transmission could take place in her case, because the spirit entities could express themselves by circumventing the psychic and the scientific vocabulary. The much diminished powers of recall of the spirit entities expressing themselves often poses a limit in either case. • Something that I personally exclude completely is that only the immanent, terrestrial, subconscious or invented played a comedy here. If we were only dealing with a single medium in the presented case I could possibly allow this train of thought to stand as a hypothesis. With the combined effort of two mediums, sometimes even three, whereby inner breakdowns were never apparent, I find the purely terrestrially fantastic absolutely impossible. I can naturally not verify the absolute truth of the here presented narrations according to scientific values. I assess them akin to travel reports about Africa or Australia from the last but one century. They could also not be verified or exactly checked in those days and they did, in retrospect, contain numerous mistakes. But their basic contents were applicable and important enough for people who intended to also visit these continents. This is how one should evaluate the following reports. • One should consider the consequences of our terrestrial existence and its way of life, in case the basic statements of these otherworldly accounts applied. But if one is not prepared to draw one’s own conclusions, because one considers all of this as nonsense, one should at least try to remember these accounts after one’s demise, if one finds oneself in similar situations. It might then be possible to avoid arduous and unpleasant detours, if one acts according to the reports of these discourses. The following rendered narrations naturally only present the conditions of a specific otherworldly region close to Earth and therefore have no universality. They do not indicate that all the deceased experience something comparable. One can however find parallel statements in parapsychological literature, very specifically with the narrations of Dr. Wickland. 12. A deceased gets to know its otherworldly body That we can survive our terrestrial demise is, as it has been elucidated before, due to the fact that we already possess an ethereal body next to our physical body during our existence on Earth, the so-called astral body that separates from the terrestrial flesh and blood body in order to continue to