At the end of time

8 NASA’s Goddard Space Centre in Greenbelt, USA, reported in October 1991 about the latest measurements of the protective ozone-layer over Antarctica; these measurements show that the higher layers of the atmosphere have been reduced by 35 %. The lowest levels we recorded by the scientists in October 1987, but they are now about 5 to 10 % below the old all-time low.  The latest results over the Arctic show already an unexpected thinning of the ozone layer in Canada and Northern Europe. The ozone layer is situated at about 20 to 50 km above the Earth and protects the earth from the UV rays of the sun like a shield. The first significant hole in the ozone layer was discovered over Antarctica, but the ozone layer has never been as thin as it is now. Comments from a spiritual point of view: “The destruction of the ozone layer is only one further step towards the destruction of the living conditions of your planet. Everything is now down to this wilful humanity, which up to now hasn’t been prepared to integrate into a higher order of existence, an order that was brought to them over three and a half thousand years ago by their cosmic siblings, with the common intention to save a brotherhood the arduous and sorrowful path of experience and redemption through many incarnations. You can’t imagine what it meant to the SANTINER to watch how a whole humanity was subjected to the destructive powers of an anti-spirit. Now, at the end of his reign, the redemptive balance sheet of this humanity looks so abysmal that only a radical cleansing of all of your spheres can put you into a position from where you can finally acquire a correlation to the standard of living of your SIBLINGS from the STARS. Everything about to happen in the near future is aimed at achieving this result. Interference from the dark side isn’t possible anymore. It is now up to you to direct your thoughts, your feelings and your actions towards this goal, so that you can achieve the transition to a higher level of existence without any problems of assimilation. You will be astonished once you find the courage to leave everything behind that would bind you to your coarse physical world; and you will be pleased and happy, when your are surrounded by a LOVE free from all selfish thoughts knowing only the one thing, namely to see yourself in all others as the divine SELF in your brother and your sister of an infinite COMMUNION of LIFE across time and space. Mankind will now have to realise that the universal law of cause and effect cannot be overruled to wash away all blame. The scientific attempts to explain the causes of a beginning climatic catastrophe will soon prove to be facts, which will leave no doubt about the guiltiness of mankind.”