At the end of time

30 A guide to the Age of Aquarius (by Hermann Ilg) The UNIVERSAL LAW of cause and effect governs all processes:  Whatever we sow in thought, we reap in our external existence. We are therefore creatively active with every thought. This relationship belongs to the BASIC KNOWLEDGE we should have gained during the educational epoch of the passing Age. The fate we create for ourself therefore depends on the quality, that is to say, on the active characteristics of our spiritual powers, which we concentrate in thought forms. And in totality, we are the co-creators of the fate of our family and ultimately, the fate of the nation we belong to.  From this point of view, the present world is nothing else but the result of all previous thought of mankind. We often talk about calamities and blame all possible circumstances and influences, without considering or comprehending that is was in reality ourselves, which have brought about these circumstances, whereby the cause for it would have originated in previous incarnations.  If we are to expect favourable circumstances in a future life, we have to create the necessary fateful connections in the present, always keeping in mind that we are part of a UNIVERSAL COMMUNITY with the same goals for everyone, namely the higher spiritual development over many levels to the eventual perfection in GOD. Everybody possesses the necessary POWER; it is unlimited because its SOURCE is LOVE. This power is certainly not one of the known powers of either will or mind, as it surpasses all of these human characteristics, because it’s of a divine nature. We wouldn’t have a consciousness without it. It is still dormant and unrecognised in most people, despite the fact that 2,000 years ago the great TEACHER of this POWER embodied and physically expressed it in it’s highest manifestation as UNIVERSAL LOVE. But now at the end of the Age of Pisces and the beginning of a spiritually orientated Age of Aquarius, we should have reached a level of development, which would allows us to utilise this inner POWER not only for our own benefit, but for the benefit of our fellow man and all of CREATION. The spiritual characteristics of the new cosmic Age can therefore be expressed with the following words:  Everybody is connected with the infinite through his divine CENTRE of BEING. The POWER and opulence of the DIVINE are his, if he becomes aware of this fact. JESUS predicted this level of spiritual higher development when he said to his disciples: “One day you will do greater things than I do.” But as long as we let ourselves be deluded by transient things and as long as we are not aware of our oneness with the divine SOURCE of all living things, we’ll remain unable to utilise this inner FORCE and achieve the promised greater things.