At the end of time

22 (Psychic drawing from an publication of the Medialen Friedenskreises Berlin) How are we to understand the “ethereality” of the SANTINER? Answer from the SPHERES OF LIGHT: Answer : Ethereality means that matter is less dense. This applies especially to the physical body and the blood of your BROTHERS from the STARS. They can de-materialise and re- materialise. But Earth’s science is completely inexperienced in this field; this is why you can’t comprehend these things. And whatever man can’t comprehend with his mind, he rejects as impossible. Question : A recently published collection of “UFO evidence” contains sketches of alleged extraterrestrials, depicted with excessively large heads, thin bodies, long arms and hands with only four fingers with claw like fingernails. The eyes were drawn disproportionably large, while the nose, mouth and ears exhibit a rudimentarily form. These original sketches were made after a reported sighting of an allegedly crashed UFO with passengers. How are we to assess such presentations? Answer : These drawn portrayals of your SIBLINGS from the STARS originated from the negative influence of the spheres of darkness. The receivers of these inspirations are unfortunately not in a position anymore, to ask their own common sense for advice so that they realise that with this mental fallout a hardly conceivable revilement of your extraterrestrial GUARDIANS makes an appearance.