At the end of time

17 THE INTERPLANETARY LAW OF GOD  . THE SEVEN MAJOR COMMANDMENTS 1. At the beginning there was spaceless ENERGY. It was the LOGOS, the highest INTELLIGENCE. You are not capable of making this ENERGY and INTELLIGENCE comprehensible through any kind of parable. You may not engage in any deliberations about it, but acknowledge this INTELLIGENCE as your CREATOR, through your own reasoning and feelings. Any other thoughts in that direction are evil. 2. You may not act and live against the LAWS of nature; then you not only damage yourself and your soul, but many of your progeny, which will then be beyond any help. When you damaged the intelligent CREATION of GOD, you began to bear the complete responsibility for all suffering on this Earth. 5 3. You may not mock nor pursue your CREATOR, even if you can’t understand or comprehend HIM with your underdeveloped power of reasoning; as you are not more, but less than GOD. Therefore do not sully HIS NAME and do not bring him into association with your own thoughts. Do not criticise the LOGOS; then HE is infallible on account of HIS infinite EXPERIENCE and immeasurable POWER. 4. Be tirelessly active, in thought as well as in deed. But be aware that thought represents the greatest POWER and the highest INHERITANCE from GOD. Your thought is immeasurable in its impact, on this and the other side. Think in reverence about your CREATOR, in the procreation of your offspring as well as in the making of all things, and always create everything for the good and never to the disgrace of GOD and yourself. Respect the tireless industriousness of the CREATOR and respect the work of your fellow human beings, which serve CREATION and honour GOD by the sweat of their brow. 5. Do not distinguish between rich and poor, nor distinguish between young and old or between different skin colours. Respect experience and esteem suffering. Listen to the advice of your parents if they believe in GOD, the CREATOR. You may become rich without this belief, but never happy and certainly not blessed. 6. The CREATOR wants you to respect life in the entire world as HIS POWER. You have not the right to control the life of your fellow human beings. Resist adverse creation and a life- destroying existence. Do not kill any animal for your pleasure, but only to sustain and secure your own existence. 7. Do not damage your fellow human being, neither in body or soul, nor in his reputation or his earned possessions. Do not damage his development, neither in his love nor his freedom, but help him always and in all things, without expecting gratitude. But make your contributions to 5  Compare with today’s situation