The Blue Notebooks - Volume 2: Messages from our Older Brothers

4 23 rd of November 1961 You wouldn’t believe how delicately the LAW of CAUSE and EFFECT operates, how precisely it works. Those that are CLAIRAUDIENT and CLAIRVOYANT can accurately recognise when the effects, that were cause at some time or other, come into play. Every hint of a thought is a cause that will effect something. Every thought vibrates far and wide and it magnetically attracts all other thought of the same rate of vibrations. Something is then created that begins to grow, a SOMETHING that we can SEE and perceive, a SOMETHING that can grow so powerful, that it takes on a life of itself and turns into an ENTITY your thoughts created, one that now tries to control you. This is the case with the feeling of horror you have given such prominence to, so that it haunts you everywhere and turns your existence into torture. Do not FEED it! Pray for LIGHT and love, only send good and constructive thoughts and when fear wants to attack you, turn immediately to the FATHER in your HEARTS. Call him, loudly and full of trust, so that your HEARTS become BRIGHTER and BRIGHTER and every corner is illuminated. All fears and sorrow will then leave your HEARTS and you are strong and full of LIGHT and the fiery, mighty thoughts you fully consciously send out can help, because your positive and invigorating thoughts now attract all that is good, beautiful and constructive. They not only penetrate your Earth’s atmosphere, they oscillate much, much further into infinite space, to other suns and other planets. They gather advice and help from there, gather ENERGY, LOVE and LIGHT for you, for your brothers and sisters. Every positive and pure thought comes back enriched and illuminated, according to the will of the MOST HIGHEST. 24 th of November 1961 – 8 pm We ask you once again: Forbid yourselves to have caprices! – It is unworthy of you to bother your fellow men just because something doesn’t seem to please you personally. Imagine how stupid and parsimonious a capricious person looks. You are “creation’s crowning glory”, but the slightest physical affronts often completely derails you, thereby causing a lot of trouble for others. 26 th of November 1961 – 8 pm Pray for peace! – Think peace and talk about peace whenever possible and encourage your fellow men to also pray for peace. This creates a WARMWAVE of PEACE around the globe and the more powerful it is, the more maliciousness it can neutralise. Imagine this the way we told you it is! – Could you organise a small rubber stamp that says “Pray for Peace” and use it on the letters you write, on your advertisements etc.? We suggested this to some of our other friends already. Please do the same! Pray for peace. – Pray within your HEARTS. – Pray for peace. – Be peaceful, be peaceable! 27 th of November 1961 – 2 am We do not pray the way you do, we know that everything we need to maintain our shells has been prepared for us, namely to fill our souls with loving thought vibrations on a global scale. We no longer know what you call “doubt”, no longer know adversity, worries and suffering. You create all of this yourselves . If you could only accept this my friends, if you could only comprehend this, grasp this! We live forever, because we do not call the transition from our physical existence to a BODILESS