Via Terra

6 that our languages are inadequate to express other things he would also like tell us. Extraterrestrial reception is more difficult than one assumes. Extraterrestrial contact is an enormous achievement by spiritual forces. This connection is supervised and supported by MESSENGERS of LIGHT from GOD’S REALM, the hereafter. The things we were unable to have sufficiently explained by ASHTAR, we were able to compliment through our spiritual séances whose devotional atmosphere could hardly be imagined by anyone . The truth is the foundation of the work we do. Our long term readers verify this. * * * * * * * Terra Terribilis ASHTAR SHERAN: Peace across all frontiers! This is your friend ASHTAR SHERAN speaking. We know that our messages do not find worldwide dissemination like for instance your Bible. But the truth has always had a hard time to establish itself on this planet. Question: You welcome us as friends. Many leading personalities on our Earth think that you are our enemies. Therefore friend and enemy confront one another. ASHTAR SHERAN: We know what a terrible place Terra is, a Terra Terribilis. This is the real reason why we show on interest in you. Your spiritual backwardness does not harmonise with your technological and scientific development and this is where the abhorrent danger lies for all of you and for an extended region of the universe. All of us would have reasons to think of you as our enemy, but our own development does not allow this. We feel beholden to the CREATOR OF EVERYTHING THAT EXISTS and we hence fulfil a service HE cannot do HIMSELF. In one way we are therefore GOD’S extended hand. Question: Almost all UFO experts in governing circles do not want to hear the words “GOD” or “MISSION”. One simply regards you as astronauts from another star system. Your paramount technology amazes us. Why don’t you land in such a way, that people will stand in queues in order to convince themselves of your extraterrestrial existence. ASHTAR SHERAN: This has something to do with the dangers we would expose ourselves to. Your bellicose attitude and your armament technology prevent all direct contact with those amongst you that are of pertinence. This was completely different a few thousand years ago. We had nothing to fear in regards to the people on Earth. Our ancestors, whose incarnations we represent ¸ were respected like Gods, even though we were not Gods. A larger spaceship was able to land on Mount Sinai . It is different these days, such a landing would trigger a global panic and this would not help you at all. Question: Does communicating with you in German somehow create problems? ASHTAR SHERAN: No, I do have good command of this language and do not need an interpreter, as is sometimes the case. But I do have to admit that I am sometimes hindered from giving you explanations that are very, very important, because I can in no way describe it in your