Via Terra

23 visible appearance, HE creates a likeness . This likeness should be as viable as possible and it should do positive things for mankind. People therefore find in CHRIST a convenient object. GOD didn’t create human beings exclusively for this Terra. GOD also created us – and we live on a different planet. There is also a myriad of other planets where flesh and blood human beings live. They would therefore have to have a GOD all to themselves . This is nonsense! The origin of man certainly goes back beyond the time when the first creatures appeared on Terra. I assume that the origin of life goes back millions of years. But GOD didn’t create likenesses , but beings endowed with enough rationality to feel joy at the sight of all of creation. Human beings certainly have the beautiful gift of being able to contemplate creation, well they can utilise it, improve it and expand upon it. The similarity between people and GOD consists in the urge to be creatively active. It is therefore not the appearance, but only the consciousness that is god-like. It is quite possible that Moses was instructed in this way during his 40 days stay on board an extraterrestrial spaceship. But it is also a fact that due to the mental incapability of Moses, this doctrine ended up garbled. Question: A lot of people interested in UFOS hold the view that “Flying Saucers” only made an appearance after World War II. The prophet Ezekiel however reported very elaborately about them to biblical times. It can therefore never be post-war or angst psychosis. ASHTAR SHERAN: This is correct, because Terra was already being visited by us at biblical times. Terrestrial mankind was even then already maleficent and inhumane . The case of Sodom and Gomorrah explicitly verifies this. The description in the book of Ezekiel absolutely corresponds with present day observations. ( Ezekiel, Chapter 1, Verse 22: Above the heads of the creatures there was something that looked like a dome made of dazzling crystal.) Question: It was reported that the beings that came with the spaceships had wings. When they spread their wings they flew upward. What kind of wings are we dealing with here? ASHTAR SHERAN: The SANTINER, called Cherubs in the Bible, wore little aerofoils on their outfits. When these aerofoils were spread, anti-gravity was created under these foils. This enabled the SANTINER to float up to the spaceship. If such a spaceship would actually land on the ground, it would encounter eminently greater difficulties when taking off, because a certain gap must be kept between the ship and the ground. – The presence of flying apparatuses, the floating and the shimmering light spread by the ship made people think that our forefathers were GOD’S ANGELS. This is of course also a biblical error. A higher intelligence Question: We have great trust in what you say. Almost all that read your words were impressed by them. One is however surprised that you cannot talk to us via our radio networks . ASHTAR SHERAN: I thank you for the trust you show me. I am aware of your worries. We naturally also took this option into consideration. Our ways of communicating however took