Ufology - Part 1

3 The hate-rays presently emanating from our world crises hamper the visible encroachment by Ufonauts into our sphere, they are however present amidst us in unimaginable numbers in a dematerialised state. We are under their control and we will not be able to prevent this. Our prayers can help them – they will then be able to help us also, the way the Bible states: GOD is SPIRIT. Help from space-people (Author: H. V. Speer) So-called UFOs appear ever more frequently in recent times (1956). The connotation of “UFO” happens to be an abbreviation of “Unknown Flying Objects”. The fact that MESSENGERS of LIGHT and also other spirits act as speakers or writers for the crews of “Flying Saucers” is conspicuous. Spiritualism has completely intermingled with Ufonauts, that is to say, with space-people in its connection with the world of the hereafter. Individual work groups and spiritistic or spiritualistic circles can presently hardly tell the difference between spirit messages and UFO messages. Both INTELLIGENCE GROUPS avail themselves of the same psychic means, ergo the same mediums and both remain invisible . We know that spirit beings allow themselves to visibly materialise under special circumstances. UFOs and their occupants apparently also allow themselves to suddenly materialise and dematerialise in front of people or radar equipment as well as other optical apparatuses. They therefore occupy nearly the same level as the hereafter. SPIRIT BEINGS, SPIRIT TEACHERS and MESSENGERS of LIGHT are not angels. Ufonauts reject the idea of being called “angels” or to be associated in any way with these HIGHER BEINGS. The Bible does however indicate apparitions here and there that can be connected to Ufonauts. All of this seems enigmatic to us, even to an experienced spiritualist. The messages that deal with UFOs are set within two thick-set crosses in order to testify that one is dealing with a divine assignment and that the messages are Christian and true. Particularly sweeping lines and loops appear on paper during writing contact with Ufonauts. We are supposed to be dealing with the way Ufonauts write. Examining these messages in regards to their content one finds that nothing about them can be found fault with, they are admonishing and also very religious, but also show restraint and charity. Therefore only one enigma remains: Why don’t they materialise in front of circle participants the way spirits make themselves visible in circles sometimes? When we take a closer look at all the messages the MFK received so far (1956) we can only come to one conclusion: Ufonauts must find it very difficult to materialise within our Earth’s atmosphere. We cannot explain this on hand of our terrestrial laws in as far as we are familiar with them. They are of extraterrestrial origin and are therefore subject to extraterrestrial laws, laws we are not familiar with either. The only thing we have in common with them is the soul and the astral body . The physical body of Ufonauts must be of a different nature , certainly more ethereal than our flesh. Mental efforts must make it possible for them to shift to another STATE of VIBRATION, one that spiritualises them to a degree where they evade our sensory perceptions. There have been way over 40,000 sightings recorded all over the world after all. Flights continue to increase. If 40,000 flights have been already registered, one can only imagine the number of daily flights that could not be registered as sighting because they completely escaped our visual perception. I am convinced that these invisible flights must count in the hundreds of thousands.