UFO-Contacts - Part 2

54 This process led to the assumption that one was dealing with an electric apparition or that the observers suffered from hallucinations. UFOs were therefore completely incomprehensible. But these phenomena kept cropping up and neither the observations nor their behaviourism changed. This therefore provided no clarity. ASHTAR SHERAN has now explained with all possible clarity what we are to make of these UFOs. But if UFOs are better understood when they are declared as absolutely extraterrestrial and existent, spiritual types of contacts with them gain in pertinence. We mainly depend on these contacts, because they explain the reason for their coming into effect. UFOs may be of importance to engineers and military experts; but a UFO contact that results in a great message is of far, far greater importance to all of mankind. We have to thank the extraterrestrials for rectifying a lot of so-called miracles depicted in the Bible. We know through them that we have a completely false concept of God. We also already know though them that the legislation received on Mount Sinai happen through UFOs. We also know that the “burning bush” was an extraterrestrial spaceship. We will hear a lot more and we will have to come to the conclusion that the major religions have turned nonsense into a cult. To overcome this shock will be the world’s no. 1 problem. We must extricate ourselves from these mistakes! We can no longer afford to have false doctrines these days. We must become more humane so that we can maintain the viability of our planet and so that it does not go up in smoke. This is why the SANTINER’S help represents the largest rescue mission on behalf of a human race one could possibly imagine. UFO-Contact (By H. V. Speer) November 1968 Ufology, that is to say, the exploration of Flying Saucers unfortunately still suffers from exaggerated scepticism. We ascertained that this scepticism is mainly promoted by ignorant, uninformed journalists. When taking a closer look at the fact one finds that journalists and scientists in the Soviet Union get closer to the truth as lot easier than is the case in many other countries. The Russian’s thought processes are more logical , because they are prepared to renounce a lot of dogmas . • Religious dogmas do indeed bar the path to consequent research. But the true insight the Russians lack is the fact that relatively well rehearsed communications with extraterrestrials already exist . The whole world is looking for ways of achieving such communications without taking into consideration that they are only possible through the spiritual sector. One does indeed have to warn everybody about spiritual hoaxing and lying spirits, but the same warning applies to science-fiction authors that do indeed inform, but expand this information into the fantastic. The “Sputnik” , that new journal that brings translations all sorts of worthwhile information from