UFO-Contacts - Part 2

52 The party officiates over all scientific insights, that is to say, they may not be published against the party’s wishes. There is basically speaking no difference between the behaviourism of other nations. If it isn’t the party that forbids something, it is an elected government or some other leadership. Governments know their own dilemmas and the grievances of their failures are known throughout the world. They cannot expect an extraterrestrial human race and superiority to condone the way they lead their peoples. Extraterrestrials are friends and helpers, teachers and protectors to all human beings. But all the people within governments see extraterrestrial only as enemies . This is already obvious through the behaviourism the leading echelons show in regards to this question. We know from the letters we receive that a lot of people place their hopes in the extraterrestrials. One expect the salvation from a panic stricken global fear from them. Famous psychologists have already admitted that this global fear exists, they would otherwise not assert that UFOs are mirages produced by a global fear . Our terrestrial thought process will not bring us closer to the truth. Extraterrestrials think differently from us. The things they intend to do will remain a puzzle for us for now. UFO-Contact (By H. V. Speer) September 1968 The extraterrestrial, universal teacher ASHTAR SHERAN has become world famous through his outstanding messages. We receive a lot of appreciative letters. A lot of people believe that we are dealing with a messiah. It does not necessarily have to be CHRIST, another human being can certainly take on the role of a messiah, a saviour. We now increasingly receive questions we are asked to put to ASHTAR SHERAN at the next opportunity. We gather from this that most readers cannot quite picture how a contact with a SANTINER eventuates. • In all the years our circle has existed – it has been 16 years after all – we have never actively tried to make contact with a SANTINER. We have indeed been able to make appointments with our spirit GUIDES, but making an appointment with ASHTAR SHERAN or another SANTINER is impossible. • A whole year can pass without us receiving a single life-sign from ASHTAR SHERAN. A SANTINER CONTACT is however prepared for and conducted by our spirit GUIDES. • We never get to see ASHTAR SHERAN and we can neither measure nor ascertain his presence through any phenomena. ASHTAR SHERAN remains just as invisible to us as all our otherworldly FRIENDS who have instructed us for years. This explains why we cannot present all the many questions at all, because nobody is there to answer