UFO-Contacts - Part 2

35 • The SANTINER are not prepared to allow even one single UFO or any other spaceship to fall into our hands. Even if such a case should arise where a manned UFO encounters similar difficulties, its pilots would be prepared to sacrifice their life and explode the UFO. But such a case has never arisen as far as we know. The SANTINER are still looked upon as “astronauts” most of the time. But they differ from us in a very specific way in this regards, because they have passed our level of development thousands of years ago. We stand at the beginning and we still have to learn all about space travel. The SANTINER are not just interested in our Earth from an astronomical point of view, they also have to fulfil an assignment that was given to them. They are UNIVERSAL MISSIONARIES and act within a divine ASSIGNMENT. But nobody is interested in this aspect . One resists this idea with all available means. But those that are familiar with the Bible will be able to trace this ASSIGNMENT within its pages. There is absolutely no doubt that this fact is true. This fact can be faultlessly verified. – The Churches will have to allow themselves to be instructed in this respect. Clarifying the SANTINER’S MISSION within the Bible is of greatest importance for our future – and the future is ours, even if we have to die one day. UFO-Contact (By H. V. Speer) May 1967 Due to our constant publication of our UFO contacts we naturally receive communications in return. One reader writes amongst other things that he is completely convinced that extraterrestrial life in the form of human intelligence exists. But he adds: “I only become apprehensive about your writing when you start to report about the SANTINER. Such contacts are naturally by all means possible, but why do the SANTINER not reveal themselves to more eminent personalities than a small circle of well-meaning, pious mediums that are still decried as occultists these days? Couldn’t they for instance have given their views to the Pope or the Russian, the American and the Communist Chinese heads of state?” Beside the fact that ASHTAR SHERAN already answered this question in the past, it is still acutely pertinent. • The Pope is in our opinion unsuitable, because he does not promote the practical Spiritualism. On the contrary – the leaders of the Catholic Church are the enemies of this truth. A spiritual communication is therefore not possible. The extraterrestrial phenomenon at Fatima explicitly verifies how the Catholic Church reacts to such contacts. They are interpreted in a way that fits their own dogmas. • Political heads of state are even more unsuitable. They are neither psychic nor open-minded enough to allow spiritual contacts. Some politicians have been approached just the same. The success equalled zero . Conditions that are essential to make contact with the SANTINER at all are: • Spiritual experience.