UFO-Contacts - Part 2

33 a catastrophe of cosmic proportions. In spite of SANTINER’S humane way of thinking, their concept of humanness is different, they must concentrate on the fact that they might be forced one day to have the last word here on Earth. Their messages are presently relatively sparsely disseminated. But we ascertained that they are not completely unknown, because various lectures and films verify that quite a lot is known about them . UFO-Contact (By H. V. Speer) March 1967 Because Ufology is so closely related to religion it has a particularly difficult time to assert itself. Religion has been travelling along the same old tracks for millennia. The Bible’s scribes have falsely understood and falsely recorded the UFO phenomenon during all this time. Now, as we hear the objective truth from extraterrestrials, theologians are in shock and this is something they do not accept without putting up a fight. Some time ago, an evangelist sent us a self-published communication titled: “Against the Speer Religion”. This article was sent to us anonymously . The sender should have been aware that we can ascertain who the sender is via our contact with the realm of the spirit at any time. He could therefore not remain anonymous. But there is no such thing as a “Speer Religion”, because we did not found our own religion, all we do is to report what our spiritual GUIDANCE, ergo the so-called HOLY SPIRIT tells us or what the SANTINER, that is to say extraterrestrials, have to say to us. It is therefore a religion of the HOLY SPIRIT. One is now very much annoyed about the fact that CHRIST did not ascend to heaven physically, that is to say, like a balloon. The above mentioned evangelist had this to say about it: “One cannot blame people from other solar systems if they know about such things only from hearsay.” How dumb do theologians think the SANTINER are when they equate them to gossiping women. All those acquainted with our ASHTAR brochures will ask themselves the same question. We can see from this that ASHTAR is correct when he says that theologians fight the objective truth with all available means. The original texts in the Bible however state: “A cloud carried CHRIST away.” – It has been established in the meantime that the Bible authors did not yet know the term “spaceship” . Larger spaceships were certainly called “clouds” in all cases. They were either “glowing clouds” or “dark clouds” . Probably because they floated like clouds. There can therefore be no doubt that the SANTINER made correct statements here. Biblical heaven is in any case not a place that exists between the planets. CHRIST was also not an astronaut who could protect himself against the cosmos. Atheists recognise this nonsense and deduce accordingly. We are not atheists, be we do recognise the truth, namely that there are no huge differences between