UFO-Contacts - Part 2

25 first edition is extremely important; it represents the foundation for any further dissemination. But what happens to this truth later is an entirely different story. • To have these messages spread all over the world is desirable. This can be accomplished through the normal printing channels. Every decently minded publisher can gain the right to do so. But the first edition must differentiate from all other publications. This is why it should be highly individual. • Our manuscript-publications guarantee the untainted publication of the absolute truth. All our readers will know that there is a great number of UFO literature out there. This literature has however nothing to do with the truth in most cases. Based on the experiences of Ufology, these scripts tend to sensationalise things and are designed to entertain. One unfortunately believes these fictions more that it really should be the case. A good representation and a promise that one is dealing with the truth does however not suffice. – We do assume though that at least our readers have learned enough over time to be able to distinguish between an objective message and fiction. This is not about entertainment or about sensationalism, but about an indoctrination that could guide us towards world peace. Only this aspect is pertinent and it is taken very serious by the SANTINER. The presentation of our brochures is not a decisive factor, only their content is . ASHTAR will gradually increase in his importance. UFO-Contact (By H. V. Speer) August 1966 The press releases an article once in a while stating that UFOs are of terrestrial origin. We examined such an article and ascertained that it was full of ignorance and contradictions . It described that UFOs are supposed to be the fantasy of psycho-neurotic people. The same text also asserts that they probably stem from the Russians . – This example should suffice to show how the UFO phenomenon is abused . UFOs can absolutely not be of terrestrial origin, because they are not modern, recently designed flying machines. UFOs as spaceships already existed at biblical times. They were repeated observed flying across the Earth during the course of millennia. An explanation that gets close to the truth has never been furnished so far. We find these days, now that we possess greater technological knowledge, that the explanation of extraterrestrial spaceships makes more sense. But UFOs have, in a divine sense, a MISSION ASSIGNMENT. – This is the decisive factor our technical knowhow and our political leaders, including the Churches, baulk at: • One does neither want to have anything to do with a divine MISSION nor a divine message. The people on Earth do neither want to be supervised nor patronised. They want to be the only ones to decide over life and death. A lot of important scientists know more about UFOs than they admit. A lot of them are convinced that human life exists in other star systems. Technology springs to the aid of science by trying to establish radio contact with other star systems. Radio signals were captured in the Soviet Union that exhibited a Morse code like rhythm. But the moment the press voiced the scientific assumption that