UFO-Contacts - Part 2

21 situation. One assumes that space research will reveal even better insights in regards to the question of anti-matter. These insights will eventually lead us to the objective truth. We hope that this development will not take too long. We would also like to point out that higher knowledge brings obligations with it, namely the obligation to spread this knowledge. Vocation is the highest duty . We made this sentence our vow. We ask our readers to support us in regards to its dissemination. Two facts occupy the forefront of world peace. The doctrine of reincarnation and the mission of the SANTINER. Only through these insights can terrestrial mankind achieve a guaranteed peace. The development of nuclear armament cannot be arrested. GOD will therefore have the last word in this; probably with the help of the SANTINER. Ufology is therefore not an entertainment hobby, it has to be taken as serious as the reminders before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah , the difference being that the ensuing chaos will not be locally regulated, but globally . UFO-Contact (By H. V. Speer) April 1966 The fact that we, ergo terrestrial people, cannot correctly comprehend what extraterrestrial space travel is all about is mainly due to our lack of experience in regards to controlling gravity. We can also not imagine how dematerialisations and re-materialisations can take place. This is the reason why people begin to doubt the existence of extraterrestrials. We must on the other hand take the enormous amount of evidence that confirms the existence of UFOs and their human occupants into account. UFO phenomena appear not just locally. They are perceived all over the world. We cannot be dealing with figments of people’s imagination, because these perceptions completely coincide with one another. But as one would like to deny the Bible its Holy Scriptures status, it comes as no surprise that one would also like to deny the existence of UFOs, because they gain pertinence as an omen from GOD. The spiritualist and the esoteric finds it easier to comprehend the UFO phenomenon. Non- comprehension can be found with atheists and all other people with a purely materialistic attitude. They unfortunately represent the majority. A lot of scientists that should be taken serious know more about UFOs than all the journalists all over the world. Journalists are not esoteric and the majority of them do not believe in GOD. The world’s press is not capable of teaching mankind the GREAT TRUTH. How could a newspaperman accomplish this if the Churches themselves failed? The number of UFO sightings constantly increase. Therefore contacts between their occupants and terrestrial human beings also increase. At the forefront of these wonderful contacts stand those with the extraterrestrial universal teacher ASHTAR SHERAN. We can count ourselves lucky to be in contact with this universal teacher, even though we do not know for how much longer this contact will be possible. Governments on Earth believe that there is no HIGHER INTELLIGENCE that could perceive what is going on here on Earth. This is a terrible mistake, then besides the fact that GOD’S hierarchy and the WORLD of the SPIRIT observe us every second of the day through billions of eyes, the SANTINER are also constantly manning their post in order to register everything that we plan and