UFO-Contacts - Part 2

15 inevitable be a fact that belongs to their UNIVERSAL RELIGION. This gives terrestrial human being the mandate of duty of atonement !) UFO-Contact (By V. H. Speer) December 1965 An extraordinary high number extraterrestrial flying objects have been sighted and also photographed recently. All of these types of flying objects display the same characteristics . Even though one tried to abnegate UFOs up to now, one finds that this hardly succeeds these days. Ever widening circles recognise the reality of these flying objects. Larger spaceships - probably motherships - were sighted in Australia. These flying projectiles also emanated a bright light that changed in colour . The Australian Airforce is intensively dealing with these apparitions. There is complete accordance in regards to earlier observations. A report from Buenos Aires states that the frequent appearance of unknown flying objects triggered great consternations. All of South America is actually flown over. Reports come from Uruguay , from Rio Plata , from Rio de Janeiro and other places. The Marine Ministry in Chile published an official communique about such observations. Swiss Newspapers report more objective about sighting that are well documented. This is very remarkable because the UFO scandal of Zurich, where local students and professors protested against Ufology, is still fresh in people’s memory. Genuine SANTINER have been observed in the USA . Their description is: • The extraterrestrial are about 1.5m tall. • Their skin is dark. • Their eyes are deep-set and serious. • The forehead is pronounced. • Their hair is worn semi-long. • The chin protrudes conspicuously. This description fits exactly with our own data and also our psychic drawings. Evidence after evidence verifies that our contacts with otherworldly beings and also extraterrestrials are absolutely genuine and that they have nothing to do with fanciful hoaxes by spirits. This is why the appellation of “Flying Saucers” should finally be discarded. This appellation gives all of Ufology a bad name. The situation is a lot more serious than governments generally assume. • These flying objects could quite possibly be the saviours of our Earth. We continued with our endeavours. Our spiritual GUIDANCE provides us with various clues that should be taken notice of.