UFO-Contacts - Part 2

11 The same thing happens with Spiritualism, the research into the hereafter. Everything is ridiculed and accordingly illustrated in this sector also. Look at the ghost trains and spook castles at county fairs. There are sufficient drawings in newspapers beyond this that depict ghosts as utter morons. Movies often cracked jokes about this as well. The Churches never entertained the idea that this could possibly be an incredible calumniation and defamation of the human soul. This represents an impiety against the “dead” that are still spiritually around us. The SANTINER, our extraterrestrial friends, probably find it very difficult to restrain themselves. We terrestrial human beings would on the other hand already have unleashed a tremendous form of punishment, because we know no other solution than through force. But as the SANTINER have not done this so far, we should actually learn from them that things will work without spilling a lot of blood. We cannot assert that the SANTINER do not have a reason to engage terrestrial man in a war: We fired at their UFOs. We damaged the universe with our atom bombs. We endanger the SANTINER. – We harmed them in body and soul. – We derided them. – We ignored their messages. – We have done an infinite things that would have to make them indignant. We would never ever put up with anything like this. But the SANTINER are still friendly. They do not even take offence at our obvious animosity towards them. Has anyone ever taken these aspects into consideration? Every time we make contact with the SANTINER our spiritual circles feels quite ashamed, because we sense their genteel demeanour and their morals and ethics that tower way above ours. How much longer will terrestrial mankind play this game? UFO-Contact (By H. V. Speer) September 1965 What was the actual mission JESUS CHRIST carried out here on Earth? He mainly had to fulfil the task of indoctrination . The question is whether the traditional points of his doctrines are correct in every way. When we peruse the doctrines of our extraterrestrial friend ASHTAR SHERAN, we find that he also has to fulfil a major, religious MISSION. He is also a universal teacher of great renown, but his doctrines and elucidations are not two thousand years old! These messages have not yet fallen prey to incorrect translations and interpretations. These doctrines are correct in every respect and one can therefore say with a calm conscience that they are literally correct and binding in law. Like JESUS CHRIST, ASHTAR SHERAN is a great teacher, a universal prophet. Only those that read his messages in all seriousness know the copiousness of objectivity and wisdom contained within them. His wish to experience the full effect of his mission will probably not be granted immediately. But this wisdom will prevail over the course of time. Messages reach us from all over the world every now and then that inform us that one has become aware of ASHTAR SHERAN’S enormous pre-eminence here and there. He is probably a positive