UFO-Kontakt I.N.D. (In Nomine Dei - In the name of GOD)

47 • Other feel chosen by GOD and through this solemn self-aggrandisement, supply the devil with every opportunity for spreading his lies and for destroying things. • Even the major churches are no exception! These people glorify themselves in a completely unnatural way, thereby distancing themselves far from the natural TRUTH. • Fashions become ever more unnatural . • The older generation wants to overtrump the younger generation and makes fools of themselves. The younger generation loses its esteem and respect for the aged in the process. • The younger generation is dissatisfied with the effect time has on their bodies and disfigure their GOD-GIVEN countenance. GOD does not make green hair grow. But those that believe in the CREATOR aught to do HIM the HONOUR of adopting HIS COUNTENANCE and by behaving naturally. Those t ha t do no t behave nat ura l al so do not t h ink norma l ! How many people sacrifice their health for fashions that are purely designed to make money? We find the health-damaging nonsense that takes place on this planet absolutely incredible. One’s true nature is disfigured on this planet and this goes against all of GOD’S PLANS. What should one do now? • D i s s e m i n a t e t h e C O S M I C T R U T H a n y w a y y o u c a n . • Do not allow yourselves to be influenced by false assessments stemming from wiseacres that have absolutely no idea what the COSMIC TRUTH is all about. The devil will always tell you that: “GOD and the devil do not exist at all.” Please take the enormous difficulties of the transmission and the reception of our MESSAGES into account. As COSMIC MESSENGERS we are exposed to extreme difficulties. We are attacked from all sides. It is unfortunately impossible for us to use other means for our REVELATIONS. They are the divine TRUTH and stem from the REGIONS of the HIGHEST INTELLIGENCES. We hope that you find deliverance from all dangerous mistakes. PEACE ACROSS ALL FRONTIERS! Yours, ASHTAR SHERAN