UFO-Kontakt I.N.D. (In Nomine Dei - In the name of GOD)

4 An initial UFO spaceship already appeared over Fatima on the 13 th of September and at that time in the shape of an oval ball of light which moved from East to West emitting a brilliant, but pleasant glow. This phenomenon was simultaneously observed by around 30,000 people . One called this object “The luminous airplane of our dear lady”. The onlookers also observed white flowers falling from the sky , but they disappeared at a certain height before reaching the ground. 7 Looking at these facts, it is impossible to continue with the denial of this worldwide and very controversial UFO problem or to portray it as a fantasy structure of overzealous minds. Those that assert this are completely ignorant and not competent enough to even express an opinion. It is of decisive importance for our published messages that simultaneously to the Fatima phenomenon, a number of other messages were also given to the shepherd children. One of those pertained to the outbreak of the First World War. Sodom and Gomorrah were also warned thousands of years ago, but one did not take any notice. Doubt will not protect you from punishment! We have received similar messages for a number of years now. These are not intuitions, but genuine messages. They also managed to impress some journalists that were present when the messages were received. This is the reason why the world renowned magazine “Revue” published a pictorial about our UFO contact that caused quite a stir all over the world. Our messages are directed at the world at large, they stem from regions of HIGHER INTELLIGENCE and HIGHER EXISTENCE. These messages are more than an impartation and more than an admonition, they are a divine REVELATION. We can assure you that these publications do not portray fiction, but that they are a reliable, factual report . ASHTAR SHERAN speaks to the world PEACE THROUGHOUT THE UNIVERSE! PEACE ACROSS ALL FRONTIERS! I call upon you to join the BROTHERHOOD of the divine universe! The future of this Earth is not grey. This planet is in the process of great developments and it is experiencing the excruciating labour pains of a new future. We believe in world peace and we pray for the salvation of this ignorant human race. • May this race of people soon recognise that a divine GUIDANCE, a super-dimensional SUPERVISION does exist. • May this race of people gain a uniform faith, one that excludes all other confessions, all assumptions, theories, fantasies and all misinterpretations. 7 We are also dealing with the immaculate identification of a so-called UFO here; the plasma falling from the sky has been a very frequent concomitant phenomenon triggered by UFOS flying close to Earth and it is commonly called “angel’s hair” in UFO circles.