UFO-Kontakt I.N.D. (In Nomine Dei - In the name of GOD)

31 This is why I will play back two interviews that are of great importance in regards to your situation: An interview with a leader Ex abrupto I am with his Excellency. This gentleman is the leader of a great nation . He is one of the major, responsible players engaged in the power play between the most powerful nations. ASHTAR : Please don’t be astonished. You can see that I am here with you – and you cannot doubt that this is a fact. I am here because you bear co-responsibility in regards to this world and this human race. Do not be affronted by the fact that I am from another planet. I have a number of pertinent questions for you. Are you aware that this Earth is visited by people from other star systems? Excellency : I am completely taken aback, but I know that extraterrestrials do visit us. ASHTAR : Where did you hear this and why isn’t this publicly admitted? Excellency : Because international governments are of the opinion that such an announcement is not appropriate. ASHTAR : Please tell me the reasons that led to this decision? Excellency : There is no unity between individual nations on this Earth. For us to admit that there is an extraterrestrial human race capable of reaching and ordering us about would damage our prestige. We must preserve our reputation. ASHTAR : But how many people are already informed through private initiatives? The TRUTH cannot be suppressed for much longer. Excellency : Officialdom has priority over these private initiatives. The public abides by official validations or dementia. Besides, private initiatives are at the mercy of confidence tricksters and they can produce fantasies. ASHTAR : Are you of the opinion that governments fear us? Excellency : In as much as we know anything about extraterrestrial spaceships and their occupants, we know that they are far superior to us. We must therefore regard them as potential enemies that might use extreme force if we do not abide by their demands. ASHTAR : What kind of demands do you believe these could be? Excellency : This has been discussed. There cannot be any other demand, but that we relinquish our governing powers. This is why there can be no other solution but animosity. ASHTAR : Are you of the opinion that all existing governments will find a way out of this crisis