Not from this Earth - Part 1

2 are his own . He is unaware that the thoughts of somebody else, somebody from a different sphere, enter his thought processes. One calls this inspiration . Musicians and painters are inspired in such a way, namely though impression received from higher PLANES way beyond normal human understanding. The space brothers will encounter scientifically educated people they can inspire. Those involved will regards this as something new, but the reality is that it’s not completely new. Everything has its ORIGIN from within one GREAT SOURCE and it finds expression everywhere and in everything. This GREAT SOURCE is life itself and it emanates life in every form. Bad Salzuflen, November 1994 Preface (By H erbert Viktor Speer, leader of the Medialen Friedenskreis, Berlin) This scripture deals with the greatest problem of terrestrial mankind, namely the invisible interference by higher POWERS. It is quite apparent that such a problem cannot solely be solved through human logic. As we are dealing with higher POWERS, only these higher POWERS can help us comprehend things that are mainly subject to the LAWS of the so-called fourth dimension . We are mainly dealing with the enigma of flying saucers and their occupants. One also calls these flying objects “UFOS” and their occupants “EXTRATERRESTRIALS”. These terms are also used in psychic contacts. In order to give the uninitiated an overview over how these messages came about, it is necessary to give an explanation about the possibility of such supernatural messages. Most average citizens find it simply impossible to imagine an otherworldly, second way of life. They neither believe in a conscious survival after death, nor in the possibility of establishing a dialogue between those still living here on Earth and those that suffered a physical death. Spiritualism is not unknown, it is even discussed amongst less-informed people and by simple people. In most cases however it is completely rejected, made fun of or derided. Even academic circles, well-known scientists, theologians and eminent statesmen have rejected this type of evidence and assertions since time immemorial and they relegate all of these types of assertions to the field of superstition. • This behaviourism leads mankind on Earth into a spiritual darkness . • Alleged knowledge turns to stupidity . • Man’s mind is blocked and he no longer grasps the supernatural. If a healthy human being looks at the world with open eyes, he will perceive a material form of existence that enters his consciousness as experience . If this human being closes his eyes, he is no longer able to recognise this material form of existence he’s surrounded by. In spite of this, he will never entertain any thought of doubt, because he has seen this form of existence prior with his own eyes. This experience has indelibly entered and been recorded in his consciousness. Even the darkness created by closing his eyes cannot change this fact. • There are people with an extraordinarily keen mind.