From star to star

2 spiritualist, asked Professor Büchner how he, a materialist, came to extol and approvingly quote this book dictated by spirits. Büchner began to hum and haw – and when Tulle moreover explained that the passages he specifically lauded and emphasised were written down during days of physical exertions – ergo through higher ENERGIES than that from calories – Büchner opined: “Tuttle had after all a good head on his shoulders and must assumedly heard or read suchlike at one time or another.” – The reader can easily imagine the hilarity felt “behind the VEIL”. Bad Salzuflen, June 1994 From HIGHER SPHERES of EXISTENCE (Transmission from the SPHERES of LIGHT) • KNOWLEDGE must oppose dullness. • INDOCTRINATION is the cure for ignorance. • CONVERSION is the cure for faithlessness. FAITH is a neglected, philosophically completely erroneously defined concept that has to be absolutely corrected by the sciences! FAITH is an INSIGHT and it isn’t only based on an imminently gained, self-experienced assuredness. FAIT is the result of a REVELATION. REVELATIONS are however accessible to all human beings in as much as they are attuned to them. FAITH is not blind trust, but a common KNOWLEDGE based on the natural sciences. • PATIENCE and LOVE must stand against envy and jealousy. • The TRUTH must be proclaimed against lies. • CLEMENCY must oppose violence. • FACTS must stand up to propaganda. Did one do this? N o ! – O n e a c t e d d i f f e r e n t l y ! • One used force against force. • Incitement against incitement. • Hatred against defamation. • Armament against armament. • Schism against schism. • Threats against threats. • Contempt against contempt.