A hot potato

38 and the reverse is also true. You must have realised by now just how important LOVE is in the interrelationship between people. Some of you might have realised in the mean time just how important this message really is. I have no idea to what degree it will be made available to the general public. But I underline the urgency of this assignment! Scientists are already aware of the enormous processes taking place within the female body. But where is the reverence for this magnificent affair? – Don’t you think that the act of procreation should also be included in this reverence? I cannot comprehend why the sciences do not oppose pornography. The sciences should really be obligated to indicate the sacredness of procreation. Are the sciences here on Terra really so unbelievably brutalised and therefore indifferent? • Only a normal, healthy cohabitation between the genders can save this Terra from doom. • The ever increasing degenerateness of the younger generation already warns us about a terrible future. This human race requires better leaders not only the experienced can look up to with reverence, but also adolescents. But one is more concerned about defending countries and states. One does however not concern oneself with the defence of decency and the health the general public. More than 22 billions (1970) are set aside for the “necessary defence” of the nation in Germany alone. I therefore ask: How many millions have been approved to promote the human spirit? – I mean this in regards to general elucidations about actual facts one unfortunately keeps silent about. One of your proverbs states: “Whatever is in the process of falling should be pushed.” - We are certainly in a position to push this Earth, because it is already in danger of falling into a cosmic abyss. But we know that most of these proverbs and verses amount to nothing. We try to support, to uplift this human race. The great leaders and politicians who govern this humanity received an incomplete and partially false upbringing. The programming of the brain was and is incorrect . Their whole thought process is therefore not the way it should be. What do you think it takes to make a genuine leader? • All the many wars that have taken place and are still taking place here on this Terra are actually only the machinations of government. The people themselves do not want to go to war , but they are powerless chess pieces in the hands of their government officials, who have gained their positions with the help of party comrades and expensive propaganda. They operate with the money and with the lives of the peoples who put their trust in them. Emancipation Because women play such an important role in regards to mankind’s progress, I must talk about