A hot potato

34 I now ask myself the question of whether the GREAT SPIRIT deserves to be called an AUTHORITY or a dictator? The whole universe bears witness to this! He, who doesn’t see this, is wrong. Nature’s unimaginable INTELLIGENCE surpasses the thought processes of whole humanities with all their scientific and technical aids. But nature projects LOVE, beauty and progress. These are authority’s guarantees, even though its consciousness it not tied to a human being, but exists separately, as a non-physical CONSCIOUSNESS. When this AUTHORITY is beyond doubt, ITS LAWS and REGULATIONS are to be followed and abided by correspondingly. Only doing so can preserve mankind from suffering damage. It is akin to a father saying to his child: “Do not venture onto the ice, because the ice will break!” If this well meant advice is not abided by, the law of causality comes into effect and harm is inevitable. One can however not blame the AUTHORITY for this the way the people on Earth are prone to do in most cases . • Every derailment within nature is either an attack by GOD’S antagonist or the fault of mankind. GOD is infallible! HE is your EDUCATOR, not as a dictator, but as the highest AUTHORITY throughout the universe. Pornography This notation implies everything, namely obscene literature. In spite of this unambiguous conclusion, this bawdiness takes on enormous forms and proportions. This lack of intelligence and base moral standards reveal a terrestrial level we find impossible to describe. • This has nothing to do with essential sex education. This is profiteering from the base instincts of a regressing humanity. Very few people are aware that this wave of pornography is a part of the BATTLE of ARMAGEDDON, that is to say, is part and parcel of the dispute between good and evil. The devil finds full support here, because he clearly recognised right from the very beginning of this human race that LOVE is the best target to ruin people and that this will enable him to exact his revenge on GOD. • The mutual respect between the genders represents the basic principles of LOVE. If man on Earth is unaware of the enormous spiritual FORCES that administer their power over him, he will not be able to comprehend the machinations of the antagonist. As I mentioned before, the devil is not some kind of fairytale figure, he is no vision of fantasy, but a conscious negativity of a powerful spirit, whose infamy is beyond human comprehension and imagination. His intensions and his MIGHT are inscrutable, but enormously dangerous in regards