What VERITAS tells us is ...

• The greatest pundits pay good money to have somebody draw up a horoscope for them, but heedlessly walk past a cathedral. They go even further and laugh about supernatural apparitions even though they have never experienced one of those themselves. • One erects monuments and decorates grave sites, but at the same time draws caricatures of the dead and calls them “ghosts” that are then gibed and ridiculed with an unprecedented lack of piety. This exposes the mistakes made by a humanity that has been corrupted through a false life style and through a false philosophy! Philosophy aligned itself with the insane behaviourism of mankind and it did not draw its conclusions from divine REVELATIONS, but from this false behaviourism. I have called the world a great evil and the conclusions arrive by all philosophies have confirmed my opinion. Ma t e r i a l i sm i s you r God – and t he dev i l i s you r pas t ime . The real mental giants, those that recognised the TRUTH, have been executed, garrotted, crucified and burned at the stake . Those that talked about GOD were thrown to the lions in arenas to amuse the masses. This world of yours has seen people walk the Earth that recognised the fourth dimension. But they were not believed. What VERITAS tells us is… (2) A religion can be an aberration. The existence of an almighty GOD however is not a religion, but the cause of all being that we must recognise with the help of our minds, because intuition allows us to vaguely forebode HIS existence. This applies to all people on Earth, even the most primitive cannibals. One’s own consciousness represents the yardstick along the endless path of divine CREATION. One’s own consciousness verifies the presence of an ingenious CREATOR and it must be the ravings of an insane person to assume that he alone has a sentient consciousness, one that created itself into the bargain. • One cannot elevate any of the sciences to represent a deity. Mankind, in its totality (This applies throughout the universe) is in the likeness of the CREATOR. Mankind also possesses a creative spirit, even if it is a lot more limited . This makes all of mankind a reduced parallel to the reality that is GOD. It represents GOD’S extended will, HIS instrument for any further CREATION here on this Earth. • GOD’S SPIRIT continues HIS PLANNING through mankind.