What VERITAS tells us is ...

• But everything depends on genuine evidence! One can construct specious arguments with sophisticated wiles . This has the effect of making lies seemingly intelligent . This amazes , because he, who is not sufficiently informed will fall for this, especially uncritical and gullible contemporaries. This is why the higher, otherworldly REALM continues to give the same advice: Inform yourselves – but test everything! One is much more conscientious when one seeks the TRUTH and when one utilises the TRUTH after having found it. The prerequisite for this venture are positive qualities within man. This also requires a certain amount of steadfastness. The TRUTH will always be attacked by lies, because attacks are a part of lie’s character traits and therefore also a character trait of people who tell lies. • It takes great strength of character to avow to spiritual growth and higher INSIGHTS without restrictions. • It takes LOVE and responsibility towards all of mankind and towards capacious CREATION to act selfless. Schopenhauer gained worldwide renown with his philosophy and with it helped to form mankind’s thought processes. The corrections to his philosophy, made from the spiritual realm, bears testimony to his refined character and the high degree of responsibility he showed in regards to GOD and mankind. We can clearly assume that VERITAS is also engaged at other locations to indoctrinate the human race. His influence within the “Great World Lodge” in London is undisputed. The transmissions received by the Medialen Friedenskreis, Berlin are therefore not unique . We are however unaware just where else VERITAS also works. Due to his verified and exemplary responsibility in regards to his thoughts and actions, we have the greatest respect for VERITAS. His example is absolutely worth copying. He, who has ears, should listen! Anyone with half a mind should contemplate this thoroughly and those that want to acquire a responsible character should act accordingly . There are plenty of opportunities to do so. The End