What VERITAS tells us is ...

The decision naturally demands more conscience than talent. This is why theology plays an excellent role in the arts. It represents a foundation for true art, because there is no art without religion. This is why positive artists have made religion the subject of their art since time immemorial and some are still prepared to pay millions for these masterpieces nowadays. • There is no responsibility and therefore also no divine Art, without a religion that addresses the human conscience. Even art produced by the most primitive of tribes cannot be interpreted in any other way. Even Asiatic art with all its idols and numerous deities only reached its highest form of expression due to the veneration of these idols and deities. • Devotion, respectively meditation, is able to give the artist an undreamt of and hardly imaginable impetus. When Michelangelo painted the walls and the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome, he was gripped with such creative intoxication that it brought about an artistic possession . Possession represents the utilisation of a person through otherworldly INTELLIGENCES, that is to say, the co-operation of eminent artists in this case, that already reside in the hereafter. The same types of examples are also found in music. – Music, in its own rights, is in a divine SENSE a language of the soul, because it penetrates through to the hidden depths of the soul with its sensual power and heightens all higher feelings from within the soul’s treasure chest. This is how music makes man conscious of his celestial existence. • This is the artist’s, who distances himself from the anti-spirit, actual ASSIGNMENT. What VERITAS tells us is… (35) Art is also a religion! – Art is without doubt a form of expression that is supposed to express something one’s senses recorded that cannot be achieved through other means. • Talents alone are not enough, because talents can be deployed completely back to front. To fathom art’s innermost essence is the main assignment of every artist. • Art’s essence does however not lie in its externalisation, but more in its spiritual character. True art can only be really positive if it deals with the creative laws of nature. Divine CREATION’S secrets are so enormous that there is a plethora of things to say that cannot be expressed in words. • It is the role of an artist to utilise an artistic form of expression in order to explain GOD’S great mystery to man. Artists like Raphael, Michelangelo or Leonardo da Vinci, as well as composers like Beethoven, Bach and a few more, were mediators between the here and otherworldly spheres, they were mediums of the arts.