What VERITAS tells us is ...

The Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen 8 emphasised the importance of perspective in his famous work “Peer Gynt”, if one is prepared to look at an abstractive thing from a terrestrial perspective. An important paragraph states: “I slightly cut your left eyeball so that your vision becomes askew, but what you see from now on is the way we see. I will then also cut your right vision.” Neither theology nor the natural sciences has ever utilised this opportunity. They contemplate GOD through the eyes of their inadequate school wisdom , from the perspective of deceptive observations. GOD’S EXISTENCE is discernible . It becomes apparent when one’s observations progress along correct lines , ergo not away from GOD, but towards GOD. GOD’S opposite polarity naturally leads nowhere. The origin of everything is not “nothing”, but a concept. If it was not a concept but “nothing”, one’s mind would not have the capacity to contemplate this, because there would be no CREATION. Mind you: • “Nothing” is a condition and a condition is an existence, GOD was and is therefore always a CONDITION and an EXISTENCE! At the point of this insight HE initiated the activity of HIS INTELLIGENCE. HE continued to develop and gained in ENERGY and EXPERIENCE. When a human being is born it is not only a body that is born, but also an intelligence that resides within, namely the soul. In spite of its innate intelligence, the child finds itself in a helpless situation. However it suddenly recognises its own situation, gains energy and begins to develop. We are dealing here with a PROCESS of INHERITANCE initiate by GOD. Man undergoes a similar developmental process, however on a microscopic scale compared to GOD’S MACROCOSM! What VERITAS tells us is… (30) When I still dwelled on Earth I also recognised the great evil of this world, but I only saw it in materialism, particularly in all lusts and cravings. I was of the opinion that I was dealing with mankind’s unappeasable suffering. I can now verify that this suffering originates with evil, ergo from the devil who always lies in wait and who awakens and heightens these lusts and cravings to produce discontentment and disharmony with the help of his vassals. Evil unfortunately deployed an ingenious trick, one it had a lot of success with and still has success with on a daily basis : • He inspires you to make ever more fun of him! One erroneously regards him to be an original shrove time figure . Far from the truth! 8 Ibsen , Henrik, pseudonym Brynjolf Bjarme, born Skien 20.3.1828, died Christiania, (present Oslo) 23.5.1906, Norwegian Dramatist. Amongst other places, lived for 20 years in Germany. His dramas based on ideas (>Brand<, 1866; >Peer Gynt<, 1867) and society plays like (>Pillars of Society<, 1877) had a great influence not only on naturalism, but actually also on dramatic works of the 20 th century. Further works: Nora or A Doll’s House (1879), Ghosts (1881), An Enemy of the People (1882), The Wild Duck (1884), Hedda Gabler (1890), The Master Builder (1892), John Gabriel Borkman (1896), When We Dead Awaken (1899).