What VERITAS tells us is ...

• Mankind’s role within this consists of continuing the divine CREATION PROCESS according to plan. This naturally excludes all destructive actions. The real ideals are found within progressive actions and not in malice and warmongering. Throughout human history no ideology has ever gained the kind of importance we now experience with communism. This communal doctrine, based on a negative philosophy, is not even a solid, immutable ideology, it actually breaks up into many variations. One is apt to say that communism’s doctrine can be read in many different ways, it therefore has various interpretations. There is however one form of communism hovering over all these interpretations the way one of Hydra’s heads reigns over all the other heads. The tendency of this grab for power consists in that this influential philosophy did not start off being completely godless; it was rather more pantheistic instead. With the ever increasing powers of dictators, this pantheism 5 has however changed into absolute atheism and this came about due to their uncontrolled irresponsibility , even though communism could never verify the non-existence of a conscious, ingenious CREATOR. Communism simply evades this question without finding substantiation, all it can come up with is to say that consciousness is bound to physical matter. There is also not one single shred of evidence to support this either. This heresy 6 of a societal doctrine first and foremost affects the working population, the proletariat, the poor and the infinite army of human beings that have not been privileged to gain a higher education. This lack of education is responsible that they are unable to contemplate philosophy and theology in a judicious manner and that they are unable to differentiate between the TRUTH and the mistakes contained within these doctrines. Apart from the ORIGINAL SPIRIT, that is to say GOD, there is no other VICTOR! - This is why it is a priory impossible that a negative social order could conquer and control a whole world for any length of time . The world certainly has to experience crisis in every respect; just as sure as mankind has to make some sacrifices. The result however will be the glorious VICTORY of a providence that is infinitely wiser, just and patient than any human being could ever imagine. A true philosophy can only develop when it has recognised the reason for man’s existence and when it promotes this insight at the forefront of its doctrine. Failing to recognise the reason for man’s existence condemns mankind to live in ignorance, an ignorance that will keep it in fetters. • This is the reason why the most important assignment of human thought is to recognise the reason for man’s existence and to correctly explain it to everybody here on Earth. This is the only way a durable peace can be achieved. What VERITAS tells us is… (25) Adolescents behave exactly according to the archetype provided by adults. An adult, forcefully 5 Pantheism , a doctrine according to which God, the divine, exists within all things throughout the universe, respectively that no personal God exists outside the universe. 6 Heresy , [Greek], In Greek , respectively in Hellenism , the denotation for a confession of a religious or political contents and for the scientific approach to thought. Early Christianity increasingly applied this denotation in regards to an arbitrary selection from the curriculum of the church and for the deviation from church dogma. This gave it a meaning that is identical to the emerging concept of heresy during the Dark Ages.