What VERITAS tells us is ...

terrestrial philosophy. VERITAS means “TRUTH” and it indicates that this entity avowed to stick with the TRUTH. VERITAS lived in Germany between the years 1788 to 1860 and he was known as the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer . He, who is familiar with Schopenhauer’s philosophy, can conduct some interesting comparisons with the following text: On the one side we have philosophical opinions and assumptions from terrestrial thought processes and deductions and on the other side indoctrinations based on the divine TRUTH experienced in the spiritual realm . Even those unfamiliar with Schopenhauer’s philosophy can, on hand of these INDOCTRINATIONS, check the consisting views of the world that are part of common knowledge. Bad Salzuflen, January 2000 The philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer The spirit entity VERITAS announced its presence at the Medialen Friedenskreis, Berlin. As it turned out, it was the spiritual NAME of the well-known German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, he was born on the 22 of February 1788 in Gdansk and left the terrestrial plane on the 21 of December 1860 in Main. Schopenhauer met with Goethe, Wieland, the brothers Schlegel and had discussions with Fichte and Hegel amongst others. Under the title of his major works, Schopenhauer formulated programmatically his philosophy in 1819: “Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung” “ The world as Will and Representation ”. Schopenhauer combined Immanuel Kant’s transcendental aesthetics with buddhistic influenced metaphysics of will. He rejected the Christian religion by saying that it was unphilosophical . He was of the opinion that the aim of philosophy was the abrogation of will by looking at art with “disinterest” in one’s mind. His works, written in a most brilliant style, only began to have an influence from the middle of the 19 th century; it had an influence on the young Nietsche, also on the Austrian philosopher Wittgenstein and in the arts it influenced Wagner amongst others. In his doctrine about will and motivation, Schopenhauer anticipated motives of psychoanalyses. Further works include: “Über den Willen in der Natur”; “On the Will in Nature” (1836). “Die beiden Grundprobleme der Ethik”; “The Two Fundamental Problems of Ethics” (1841)