What VERITAS tells us is ...

VERITAS : As incredible as this phenomenon might seem, man is extremely disobedient in regards to nature, to GOD and in regards to himself. He only obeys extreme coercion. This is why man neither obeys his religion, nor his conscience. Every time he obeys, he demands remuneration. Based on the LAW, goodness recompenses itself . The LAW of CAUSALITY is crucial . Question : Do you recon that the total destruction of this Earth is a probability? VERITAS : To promote technical or physical knowledge is not the only task the sciences perform; they also bear the responsibility of providing scientific evidence of GOD’S existence. If the sciences only exhibit curiosity and don’t want to bear the responsibility, a catastrophe will take place here on Earth that human beings could never imagine in their wildest dreams. You will already experience samples of this catastrophe from now on. You will struggle to deal with all that water. Any progressive action by universities does not consist in teaching laws, in defining laws, in criticising, condemning or recompensing, but without fail, provide an exemplary example of progress, ethics and tolerance ! Students’ bad manners are the result of even worse examples ! No respect for GOD – no respect for archetypes – and even less respect for the wisdom of the aged. What VERITAS tells us is… (18) It certainly isn’t good enough for a poet or a writer to make out to be an expert of philosophy, even if he possesses ample imagination. Every trade demands an apprenticeship and practice . Particularly philosophy therefore requires ardent practice. Some philosophers were airy fairy natural scientist during their apprenticeship. This is at least a start. The natural sciences however often hide in a quite eerie fashion the searched for GREAT SOMETHING everything revolves around. A philosopher may not be a biased natural scientist – he must also be a serious theologian , one that seriously searches for the GREAT hidden SOMETHING within theology just like in any other field of natural science. But what insights can a philosopher gain, if he has neither supernatural help nor practical experience in regards to parapsychological phenomena, well, if he hasn’t experienced either of them himself? Theology is however closely connected to parapsychology and this unlike any other science. The cognisance of GOD or the devil is absolutely impossible without parapsychology and in their actual reality, heaven and hell will remain beyond your grasp until you leave your physical environment. • To verify the existence of the devil means to verify the existence of GOD at the same time! One can also gain grand INSIGHTS and the TRUTH the other way around, because both great SPIRIT ENTITIES are the great invisible POWERS that rule the universe. Proof of the veritable existence of ONE will also prove the existence of the OTHER. The great malady already begins in childhood: Adults lie to their children. They tell them fairytales and fables about Father Christmas, the Easter