What VERITAS tells us is ...

• To be unafraid . • To fend off the anti-spirit. • To constantly LEARN . • To not trespass against the highest form of CREATION. Namely not to damage or to destroy GOD’S image, that is to say, HIS instrument, but to treat and look after GOD’S best instrument the way a good worker uses his physical tools with a feeling of responsibility, they way one’s second nature, one’s natural sense of duty demands it. To wage war against a nation means: • To destroy essential and important parts of GOD’S ORGANIZATION on behalf of the anti- spirit, thereby preventing the sensible, planned continuation and higher development of CREATION. Not weapons but INDOCTRINATION must interfere wherever ignorance or absolute unawareness creates disturbances! What VERITAS tells us is… (12) In one point all religions concur , namely the assumption that a HIGHER POWER stands over the visible world, one that guides the visible world. Spiritual apparitions in antiquity have evoked the opinion amongst various peoples that spirit beings are either good or evil gods. A corresponding religion has admired these spirit beings with a mixture of fear and veneration. Buddha was a medium , even if he found it difficult to develop his spiritual “ear” as it were. Only after he mortified the body was he able to HEAR supernatural VOICES. The battle between GOOD and evil took place within his telepathic CONTACT with SPIRIT. This fact enlightened him, because he was personally able to experience the miracle of having VOICES speak to him. He was dealing with intelligent ENTITIES he could not see, but who’s actual existence he could no longer deny. He created his spiritual view from this self-experience. As Mara, the devil, well at least one of his vassals, also talked to him, his orientation within the invisible world had to suffer. This is the reason why Buddhism’s insights in regards to the invisible world can be absolutely acknowledged, but its interpretation through the human mind cannot be regarded as completely positive. 3 Life on Earth is certainly not by coincidence , this assumption can actually only be called abysmal stupidity , because the philosophical God is not the real CREATOR . The real CREATOR is a 3 There has never been one singular supernatural communication here on Earth that did not have some interference from the lower world of spirits, at least to begin with. Heaven and hell are therefore no fantasies, but real facts. The interference through the lower spheres actually provides the strongest evidence that a conscious world of spirits exists.